People should thank bikers for clean air
This is to the angry pedestrian.
Thank you for informing us cyclists that we are “annoying and angry.”
Though I can’t speak for all cyclists, please accept my apology, and I hope I didn’t cause too much “discomfort.”
I am happy to see that there are people on campus pondering worldly affairs such as the number of bicycles on campus.
However, instead of hating us cyclists, you should be thanking us.
Not only do we avoid further congestion in your sea of cars, but for every bicycle ridden to campus is one less vehicle emitting pollution into our fragile atmosphere. Speaking of pollution: Vehicle emissions contribute greatly to air pollution nationwide and are the primary cause of air pollution in many urban areas.
As much as 95 percent of the carbon monoxide in typical U.S. cities comes from mobile sources. And, according to EPA studies, hydrocarbons formed by incomplete fuel combustion and evaporation form ground-level ozone, which can cause health problems such as difficulty breathing, lung damage, and reduced cardiovascular functioning. (
Anyway, next time you here that “wind-up mechanical buzz” or someone speak the words “on your left,” step to the right, inhale through the nose, exhale out the mouth, and thank the biker for that breath of fresh air. Remember, in with the good, out with the bad?
Let go of the hate.
Rick Galvan
special education
Letter to the editor
September 23, 2003