“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
In quoting John Stuart Mill, I realize that war is never the best option, but sometimes it is the only option.
Our country is at war — war with terrorists abroad, war with outside dictators and war amongst ourselves.
War is a serious thing. People die, get mutilated and suffer irreparable psychological damage as a result of war.
That’s why I find the liberal democrats’ lack of respect for the dangers that are staring our country in the face frightening.
Regarding the terrorist threats against the United States, front-running democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry said, “I think there has been an exaggeration. They [the Bush administration] are misleading all Americans in a profound way.”
No, the Bush administration are the only politicians that seem to be looking out for the well-being of every American citizen by taking the war to the terrorists and those who support them.
Bush’s War on Terrorism Doctrine — “You’re either with us or you’re against us; you’re either fighting terrorism, or you’re supporting it” — adheres closely to former president Ronald Reagan’s “Peace Through Strength Doctrine,” which reinforced peace with might.
Freedom comes at a price, and sometimes that price is war and death. But freedom is the most admirable of concepts, one that is definitely worth fighting and dying for.
The worldwide terrorist threat is the most dangerous threat to the free world since World War II, and I believe President Bush realizes this.
He led our military as well as international forces to victory over the oppressive Taliban regime in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein’s brutal dictatorship in Iraq.
But despite America’s success in the War on Terror, mud-slinging, conspiracy-theorizing Democrats like Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean and Al Gore are the ones who are lying to and misleading America about the terrorist threat, the state of the American culture and the presidential abilities of George W. Bush.
Kennedy accused President Bush of “concocting” the Iraqi war in Texas before the tragic events of Sept. 11 ever took place.
Dean perpetuated the notion that President Bush knew of the Sept. 11 attacks beforehand, but allowed thousands of innocent Americans to die anyway just so he could have a reason to go to war.
But even with liberals attacking his character, his intelligence and his patriotism, President Bush remains strong in the War on Terror and straightforward with the American people.
I’m confused as to why these Democratic leaders can’t understand the obvious.
Do they really think America and the world would be better off if Saddam Hussein were still in power, waiting to deploy his weapons of mass destruction — which we know existed — against innocent people? Or worse, would the world be a safer place with Saddam in power, waiting to get his power-hungry hands on a nuclear weapon?
I am amazed that certain political leaders are compromising national safety for their own partisan gain.
Turmoil is brewing abroad and here at home, and leading Democrats are doing what they can to make sure the threat of destruction remains constant.
Amazingly, the only man these days who seems to be looking out for the safety of the American people is President Bush. He recognizes the problems facing our country, and he is more than capable of leading America through this tumultuous time.
Democratic leaders like Kerry, Gore and Hillary Clinton are more interested in political gain, personal attacks and individual power than the welfare of America.
They want to avoid war at all costs, and they hope to appease the terrorists and those who support them.
But what these liberal leaders fail to realize is that terrorists can’t be bargained with. They can’t be negotiated with. They can’t understand the concepts of diplomacy and democracy and freedom.
Terrorists only understand power through oppression, fear and murder. And I don’t care who you are, no politician will ever be able to reason with people like that.
And President Bush realizes this, which is why he continues to press on in the pursuit of peace, safety and freedom.
After September 11, 2001, Americans looked to President Bush for strength, courage, leadership and resolve — and he provided us with all of these. Although there has not been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, the War on Terror has not ended.
We are facing a different enemy, one that is patient, one that hates the fundamental principle of American freedom, one that targets civilians and one that is not afraid to die.
Fortunately, President Bush has not forgotten about the threat that faces our country every day.
He is resolute in his desire to protect the American people, and he has demonstrated that he is well-equipped to lead this country and to conquer the impending danger that threatens our very civil liberties.
And I thank God for that.
Commander in Chief was justified in the war on terror
February 18, 2004