When was the last time you heard a guy say “nothanks” to a blow job?
I’d venture to say as many times as Boy George has been tofootball game.
But when it comes to women, receiving oral sex seems to beeither a definite yes or no.
Why is it that some girls love it while others hate it?
Many women feel uncomfortable with a man’s taste budsmoving in and around their private area because they areself-conscious about their odor.
But, if anything, the scent should smell pleasant whether it belight, strong, pungent, musky or earthy. A bad or”fishy” odor is not normal and is most commonly due tovaginal infections.
So, what do you do if your vagina smells more like a seafoodmarket than the wind on a prairie in the springtime?
According to urologist Dr. Jennifer Berman, you should see yourgynecologist and be checked for Gardnerlla Vaginalis andTrichimonas, which are the two most common infections associatedwith odors.
Another common cause of vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis. TheMayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research says,”This results from an overgrowth of one of several organismsnormally found in the vagina, which upsets the balance in thevagina. When certain organisms become too numerous, they makechemicals that cause the characteristic odor of thiscondition.”
Symptoms and signs of bacterial vaginosis include change incolor, odor or amount of discharge from your vagina; grayish-white,foul smelling discharge; vaginal itching or irritation.
BV isn’t serious but you should see your gynecologist ifthese symptoms arise.
Your vagina needs to breathe so wearing underwear and exerciseclothes made from materials that “breathe” such ascotton will help prevent bacteria to grow. Loose pajama bottoms— or nothing at all — also will help.
Diet and hydration also has a lot to do with causing vaginalodor. It is important to drink lots of water and eat a healthydiet. Coffee, excessive alcohol, smoking tobacco (or pot), redmeat, asparagus, raw onion and garlic are all things that are goodto stay away from in order to improve vaginal odor.
No matter what stay away from douching. “This messes upthe balance of your vagina and can lead to yeast infections andurinary track infections” according to San Francisco SexInformation.
“It is better to let the vagina cleanse itself,”says Greg Phillips, American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists spokesman. “Many factors can affect the normalbacterial balance of the vagina, including douches, antibiotics,spermicide and sexual intercourse.”
Excessive sweating in your vaginal area could also cause vaginalodor. “Ask Alice”, Columbia University’s healthinstructors, suggest applying cornstarch will temporarily helpcontrol moisture and odor.
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November 8, 2004