Baton Rouge Police Cpl. Don Kelly confirmed a rumored incidentTuesday that an unidentified man pulled over a 24-year-old woman inTigerland and ordered her to get out of her car.
The woman told BRPD that on Oct. 12, a man driving a whitepick-up truck with a flashing red light on the dashboard flaggedher down and demanded she get out. The woman said she refused untilhe showed her some identification.
The man allegedly gave up and eventually drove off.
The woman described the suspect as a white male with a muscularbuild and a shaved head. She said he was in his early 20s.
Kelly said the suspect did not “overtly identify himselfas a police officer, although it was strongly implied.” Healso said he did not show any type of badge, identification orweapon.
Kelly said police do not know the suspect’s intentions,but want to warn women to be cautious about stopping for anythingother than a “marked police car and a uniformedofficer.”
Man accosts woman near bars
November 4, 2004