On Dec. 17, a loud, bright trail of police will escort LSUPD Capt. Russell Roge’ down Nicholson Drive as he wears a big red suit and waves at the few passers-by still on campus.
Dressed up as Santa Claus, Roge’ and a flood of other employees from the Public Safety Building will make their way to Kirby Smith Hall to throw a gift-giving Christmas party for the 220 children who live in the Nicholson and Edward Gay apartments.
Betty McGee, an administrative specialist with Parking, Traffic and Transportation, coordinates the Christmas party every year, in which LSU Police officers, occupational and environmental safety workers, Office of Risk Management employees and parking workers draw names of children under age 12 living in the on-campus apartments.
“They really do a nice job every year and nobody knows about it,” Lori Patterson, assistant director of family and graduate housing, said.
Patterson said the celebration is especially nice because many of the families living in the apartments are international students, so not all celebrate Christmas.
“With kids from so many different cultures, not all are Christian, so not all celebrate,” Patterson said.
LSUPD Maj. Mark Shaw said when they started the program, it was designed to make sure some underprivileged children have a gift for the holidays.
“Typically, the parents who live in those apartments are on fixed incomes,” Shaw said. “Hopefully, it takes a little burden off the parents.”
Shaw said he usually tries to draw the names of a sibling group so each child gets a similarly valued gift.
But Patterson said all the children always get great gifts.
“Last year, Maj. Shaw gave kids bikes,” Patterson said.
McGee said even the student workers in the Public Safety Building buy gifts for the students.
Public safety brings Santa, gifts to on-campus kids
December 3, 2004