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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Board of Regents expresses concerns for LA GRAD Act

By McKenzie Womack January 23, 2013

Louisiana Board of Regents member Robert Levy called the LA GRAD Act a “double-edged sword” in a meeting Wednesday while discussing the necessity of legislative support for tuition autonomy. ...

University pushes technology alternatives to traditional courses

By Alyson Gaharan January 22, 2013

Alternatives to traditional higher education that emphasize technology have caught the eye of the Transition Advisory Team and University administrators who say efficiency is the guiding principle of the...

Lee Griffin, president and CEO of the LSU Foundation, argues his point during a Board of Regents meeting Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012.

Foundation plans to grow University endowment

By McKenzie Womack January 22, 2013

The LSU Foundation has developed a plan to double the amount of money it raises per year and to swell the University’s endowment by 2016, according to William Davis, director of Advancement Services...

President Jenkins called AAUP concerns “premature”

By McKenzie Womack January 21, 2013

Interim System President and Chancellor William “Bill” Jenkins said Friday he has seen no formal charges or complaints from the American Association of University Professors, which plans to...

Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope opens the September Faculty Senate Meeting in the Capital Chamber in the Student Union on Wed., Sept. 26, 2012.

Faculty Senate reactivates Budget and Planning Advisory Committee

By McKenzie Womack January 17, 2013

After a seven-year hiatus, the University Faculty Senate’s Budget and Planning Advisory Committee resumed its meetings in December 2012 to provide faculty input regarding the budget situation to...

System changes halt University CFO search

System changes halt University CFO search

By Alyson Gaharan January 16, 2013

The search for a permanent University CFO and vice chancellor for Finance and Administrative Services will not begin until after the LSU System reorganization is complete in approximately 24 months, administrators...

AAUP investigates LSU’s merger and consolidation plans

By McKenzie Womack January 15, 2013

University faculty members concerned about the lack of professor involvement regarding recent and future changes to the University have asked the American Association of University Professors to evaluate...

Student Government President Taylor Cox listens on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012 in the Capital Chambers of the Student Union to the discussion regarding a greek caucus.

Students push for more LSU re-organization input

By McKenzie Womack January 15, 2013

As the leaders of the LSU System push toward re-aligning the group of institutions in the system, students are pushing back against their lack of input in the process. The University’s Transition...

University Interim System President and Chancellor William Jenkins exchanged words of gratitude on Jan. 12, 2013, as he talked about his Bichon Frise who was treated at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine.

University seeks visionary leader

By Alyson Gaharan January 14, 2013

 The clock is ticking, and the University needs a Superman. As the Transition Advisory Team meets to discuss the reorganization of the LSU System, the Presidential Search Committee meetings are...

LSU finance professor Don Chance presents a slideshow in support of changing the University's grading system to a "plus or minus" system on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012, at the Faculty Senate meeting. Chance proposed the new grading system, which he claims would allow for more accuracy and flexibility in grading.

Plus-minus grading lacks final approval

By McKenzie Womack January 14, 2013

Student uproar regarding the implementation of plus-minus grading can hold its breath for a moment longer. Despite an email sent over the winter break, the resolution still lacks final approval. The...

Transition Advisory Team looks for ways to improve LSU

By McKenzie Womack January 14, 2013

The Transition Advisory Team took its first steps toward system reorganization Jan. 8 to make the University more efficient and globally competitive, namely through the merging of the LSU System president...

Board of Regents believes higher education is a top priority

By McKenzie Womack January 14, 2013

At the first Board of Regents meeting of the year, Board member and Commissioner of Higher Education Jim Purcell offered tuition hikes as a solution to curb significant budget cuts. “There is an...