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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



University’s CFO top candidate for administrative job at University of Kentucky

By Brian Sibille November 16, 2012

Another University administrator may be on the way out as Eric Monday, CFO and vice chancellor of finance and administrative services, was announced Thursday as the candidate for a similar position at...

President, chancellor merger under fire

By Chris Grillot November 15, 2012

The LSU Board of Supervisors will reconsider an initiative to consolidate the system president and chancellor positions at its regular December meeting after being accused of violating open meetings laws. ...

Director of Planning, Design, & Construction for Facility services Roger Husser presents on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 in the Capital Chambers in the Student Union the major projects around campus.

Senate suggests anti-plagiarism service, pay raises

By Rachel Warren November 8, 2012

The Faculty Senate unanimously agreed to explore the possibility of the University subscribing to an anti-plagiarism service at its monthly meeting Wednesday. The senate will form a task force to look...

Mike Woods, Chairman of the LSU Alumni Association, approaches the LSU Board of Supervisors about the newly proposed guiding principles on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 at the LSU System Building.

Board decides to move forward with merger plans

By Brian Sibille November 4, 2012

The future of the University as a flagship institution and state leader is clearer after the LSU Board of Supervisors decided Friday to move forward with a “transformation process” that could...

President, chancellor position combined

By Chris Grillot October 28, 2012

On the heels of the LSU System Board of Supervisors ousting its former system president and watching LSU’s chancellor accept a position at another university, the board unanimously voted Friday to...

Board of Supervisors approves chancellor, system president merger

By Chris Grillot October 26, 2012

The LSU Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to approve a resolution combining the position of system president and chancellor on Friday. The resolution, which was not on the initial agenda, was added...

Dean takes UNR provost position

Dean takes UNR provost position

By Chris Grillot October 23, 2012

College of Science Dean Kevin Carman accepted the provost and executive vice president position at the University of Nevada, Reno, on Saturday, which will leave LSU with another empty administrative position. ...

Students allowed to repeat 12 hours

By Joshua Bergeron October 16, 2012

The negative results of classes blown off in freshman year may soon nearly disappear. Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Stuart Bell officially approved the Grade Exclusion Policy on Monday, which...

Plagiarism services proposed at meeting

By Joshua Bergeron October 14, 2012

Students may soon be held to a higher standard of academic honesty if a Faculty Senate resolution is passed. At the University’s October Faculty Senate meeting, German professor Gundela Hachmann...

Increasing premiums add to faculty woes

By Joshua Bergeron October 10, 2012

Faculty and staff may see a reduction in their total compensation packages due to an increase in insurance premiums. On Jan. 1, the increased premiums officially go into effect for insurance offered...

Cars fill the C Zone lot adjacent to Lockett Hall Monday, Oct. 8, 2012.

Faculty, staff to receive more night parking

By Ben Wallace October 8, 2012

The Faculty Senate has asked for better parking options for several years now, and beginning Monday, it shall receive some, said Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope. The faculty and staff parking lot...

LSU finance professor Don Chance presents a slideshow in support of changing the University's grading system to a "plus or minus" system on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012, at the Faculty Senate meeting. Chance proposed the new grading system, which he claims would allow for more accuracy and flexibility in grading.

Plus-minus grading approved, requires further review

By Joshua Bergeron October 2, 2012

After an Ad Hoc Committee report, a Student Government report and 10 months of debate, the University’s Faculty Senate voted 26-14-4 in favor of a plus-minus grading scale Tuesday during its monthly...