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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., right, speaks at the College of Southern Nevada's Cheyenne campus in North Las Vegas on Monday, Aug. 13, 2012 during a town-hall style meeting to discuss looming cuts to defense spending. From left are Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H. The senators have visited other battleground states to pressure Democrats and President Barack Obama to make a budget deal to avoid automatic defense cuts over 10 years. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jessica Ebelhar)

Share the Wealth: Budget sequester will disastrously affect employment

By Columnist August 26, 2012

Earlier this month, nearly 13 million Americans were unemployed — that is, actively seeking work but unable to find any, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, 8.2 million Americans...

Producers work behind the scenes

LSU Student Media: Changes in Tiger TV to better suit student audience

By Ryan Brumley August 26, 2012

Many people on campus have never watched Tiger TV, and quite honestly, I understand why. If it played while you were in class, and even when you decided to skip class, why watch us when you just discovered...


Share the Wealth: Budget sequester will disastrously affect employment

By Jay Meyers
August 26, 2012

Earlier this month, nearly 13 million Americans were unemployed - that is, actively seeking work but unable to find any, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, 8.2 million Americans...

LSU Student Media: Changes in Tiger TV to better suit student audience

By Ryan Brumley
TTV Station Manager
August 26, 2012

Many people on campus have never watched Tiger TV, and quite honestly, I understand why. If it played while you were in class, and even when you decided to skip class, why watch us when you just discovered...

The Damn Hamm: Air Force general sets example for secularism

By Taylor Hammons
August 26, 2012

As a Christian, it offends me to hear American soldiers are discriminated against because of their beliefs - or rather, non-beliefs. These days, instead of wasting money on lifeless punching bags, the...


The Traditionalist: L’Auberge opening a game changer in SEC

By Chris Ortte
August 24, 2012

Cardshark is not a word I would use to describe myself. But looking over the cow pastures on Nicholson Drive to the new L'Auberge Casino and Hotel Baton Rouge, I know by adding a Vegas-style casino along...

But He Means Well: Ryan may not lack muscle, but his voting record does

By Gordon Brillon
August 24, 2012

At first glance, Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan is the ideal Republican candidate - a young intellectual leader with plenty of legislative experience who also happens to be in terrific shape. Ryan...

In-Looking Outsider: Homophobia, cultural discrimination fixable with insight

By Tesalon Felicien
August 24, 2012

Inward reflection is always necessary when the values learned during childhood become outdated. Growing up in the Caribbean - a society similar to the South - I was educated early on why homosexuality...

La Seule Femme: Women-only city calls attention to gender roles

By Kate Mabry
August 23, 2012

Almost anyone can agree that diversity in race, gender and religion is key to ensuring that all people are equally represented, but a recent event in Saudi Arabia - the same country that bans women from...

Manufacturing Discontent: Online privacy endangered by executive order

By David Scheuermann
August 23, 2012

When Republicans successfully blocked the cybersecurity legislation in the Senate earlier this month, I wondered for a moment whether I had stumbled through the Twilight Zone and emerged in Bizarro World....

The Damn Hamm: Unlikely voters the deciding factor in Obama’s re-election

By Taylor Hammons
August 22, 2012

The probable question sitting on the tongues of modern-day Hamlets - passive Democrats - is: "To vote, or not to vote?" National polls have Obama ahead in electoral votes with a high projection of him...


The New Frontiersman: Collaboration among advocacy groups on campus a good sign

By Clayton Crockett
Opinion Editor
August 22, 2012

Political dialogue can get frustrating here at the University. Over the past few years we've fallen victim to the notorious Southern trap of political isolation: We hold the line, fight change and discourage...