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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Philibuster: Chinese man’s stolen penis would make for a great screenplay

By Phil Sweeney
July 25, 2012

The script for the following story reeks of the Cohen brothers. Ethan and Joel, that daft American movie-making duo, are a pair of kooky cooks of a Chinese buffet of films flavored with soy and sesame...

Blue-Eyed Devil: Ramadan a month for meditation, brotherhood, empathy

By Nicholas Pierce
July 24, 2012

As the sun set last Friday evening at the Baton Rouge central mosque, Mesjid ar-Rahman, I took my place in the prayer line. Mesjid ar-Rahman, literally translated, means the Mosque of Mercy - and on this...

View from another school: Young voters, don’t give up on political process

By The Oracle
U. South Florida
July 24, 2012

As the election season grows nearer and the 2012 presidential election continues to reside at the forefront of the nation's mind, college students especially must educate themselves and exercise their...

Manufacturing Discontent: In the wake of Aurora, don’t overreact about gun control laws

By David Scheuermann
July 23, 2012

Last Thursday night, I sat in Prytania Theater in New Orleans watching a movie I had waited with increasing anticipation for four years to see. Only when I arrived home did I learn that, hundreds of miles...

Letter to the Editor: Bike Shop proudly carries mountain bikes, serves LSU

July 23, 2012

In Response to the Article about Masseys opening: I realize that competition is a part of business. Growth and Prosperity are universal virtues in our society. I work at the Bicycle Shop, a business that...

The Philibuster: Doping allegations against Armstrong don’t matter

By Phil Sweeney
July 23, 2012

Editor's Note: This article contains strong language. "It was seven years ago," I began writing this piece late Sunday, "to the day, in fact, that Lance Armstrong victory-lapped about the Champs-Élysées...

Scum of the Girth: You’ve only heard of 25 percent of the presidential candidates

By Parker Cramer
July 23, 2012

Believe it or not, there are eight people running for president this November. Since we are blessed enough to live in a political dichotomy, we are forced by the invisible hand of pragmatism to pick between...

Just Joshin’: Values shouldn’t affect food choices

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
July 23, 2012

Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy recently announced his support for "traditional marriage" in an interview with the Biblical Recorder, North Carolina's Baptist newspaper. "We are very much supportive of...

Manufacturing Discontent: It’s time to get tougher with the banks

By David Scheuermann
July 18, 2012

People tend to view white collar crime with a leniency uncommon to other crimes. Compared to more heinous actions such as rape or murder, these crimes are often brushed away with a wag of the finger and...

Scum of the Girth: Deconstructing Fox News articles a frustrating, futile practice

By Parker Cramer
July 18, 2012

Let me explain to you how fear mongering works. I stumbled across a Fox News article last week with the headline "UN arms treaty U.S. gun owners in foreign sights." Intrigued, I clicked. In the first paragraph,...

Blue-Eyed Devil: Religious leaders find common ground - pornography

By Nicholas Pierce
July 18, 2012

What do most people think of when they reserve a room at a hotel? Pillow mints, complimentary breakfast - a brand new set of towels and toiletries? No sir, most people think about sex, and not the sort...

View From Another School: Don’t go to college for a degree – come for an education

By Oklahoma Daily, U. Oklahoma
July 15, 2012

How do you get an English major off of your porch? Pay for the pizza. I see this idea constantly in articles, cartoons and blogs, and it drives me crazy: "A liberal arts degree is useless in this job market." I...