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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Positively Carnal: Stop persecuting people with STDs. They’re not as bad as you think.

By Kristi Carnahan
April 19, 2012

Spring break is probably my favorite school holiday. The weather is generally beautiful and the timing is perfect for spending days lazing around the house, hanging out on the beach and getting frisky...

For Thinkers Only: Santorum’s sudden exit proves the start of something new

By Matthew Westfall
April 19, 2012

Ding-dong, Santorum's dead. And no, I'm not talking about the "frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex," a common definition of "Santorum" found on Google. I'm...

Share the Wealth: Fed. budget breeds social Darwinism, adds to deficit

By Jay Meyers
April 18, 2012

With each passing day I live as a witness to the political takeover by modern American conservatives, I can't help but notice the growing similarities between our nation and the dystopic society Ayn Rand...

The C-Section: BRPD should acknowledge Tigerland’s crime problem, increase patrols

By Chris Grillot
April 18, 2012

With low-cost apartments, a party atmosphere and a location approximately 1.5 miles from the University and on the Tiger Trails bus route, the Tigerland neighborhood is set up to be perfect for student...

Scum of the Girth: Proposed gun amendment to La. Constitution goes too far

By Parker Cramer
April 18, 2012

New Orleans had 199 homicides in 2011, making it America's most deadly city. The three years prior, saw an average of 175 murders annually, according to The Times-Picayune. Baton Rouge averaged 30 murders...

Shockingly Simple: Decline in trust of science among conservatives unfortunate

By Andrew Shockey
April 17, 2012

Rick Santorum might have dropped out of the race, but anyone who watched his campaign would see some conservatives have serious issues with science. A new study from the University of North Carolina at...

The Philibuster: Beatles sons should ‘Let it Be,’ leave legacy alone

By Phil Sweeney
April 17, 2012

"Here comes the sun," George Harrison warbled over arpeggiated notes of sunshine on The Beatles's 1969 album "Abbey Road." Well, here come the sons, as New Yorker editor Ben Greenman quipped. And I say:...

Our View: Wells’ SG presidency marked by missteps

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
April 17, 2012

The clock has run out on Cody Wells and Kathleen Bordelon. Today the Student Government president and vice president will close the book on their tenure at the helm of SG. The signature twang in Wells'...

Press X To Not Die: Nintendo to continue its domination with new Wii U

By Adam Arinder
April 17, 2012

Nintendo has blessed the world with characters like Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Samus. The company consistently releases games and systems which put smiles on millions of children's faces - well, if...

Our View: Goodbye, Trent. Hello, Johnny. Time to make basketball matter

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
April 16, 2012

Things have fallen so far since the days of Dale Brown. Gone is any semblance of the Deaf Dome. Today, it sounds like someone pressed the mute button. The entire fan network needs an IV injection of enthusiasm. Gone...

Never Empty Thoughts: Save yourself the panic, prep for finals now

By Marie-Therese Yokum
April 16, 2012

The tide has rolled out, spring break has ended and finals are less than three weeks away. The painful week of exams will come faster than you anticipate. It's usually important for students with borderline...

Reps. Alan Seabaugh, R-Shreveport, left, and Frank Hoffmann, R-West Monroe, confer Thursday during debate of a bill that would create a new retirement plan for new state employees.

Letter to the Editor: Proposed changes to retirement affect students, faculty

April 16, 2012

This letter is to alert you to changes in the LSU retirement system proposed by the state Legislature. Perhaps you have heard some of the controversies surrounding this issue in the news. We at LSUnited...