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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




Scum of the Girth: It’s only fair if they take government money

By Parker Cramer
April 25, 2012

Welfare money is not drug money. Welfare money is for your kids, your groceries, your rent - not weed, strippers and angel dust. The Louisiana legislature recently took action to ensure that welfare money,...

The C-Section: Banning sex offenders from social media violates freedom of speech

By Chris Grillot
April 25, 2012

In 2009, Peter Chapman raped and murdered 17-year-old Ashleigh Hall in England. Chapman, a convicted double-rapist, coerced Hall into meeting him over Facebook. The catch: Chapman posed as an attractive...

Manufacturing Discontent: Legalizing drugs to curb cartels is worth considering

By David Scheuermann
April 24, 2012

Legalization of illicit drugs is a touchy subject for college students. We often bear the brunt of jokes about the topic as major media outlets usually characterize proponents of legalization as young...


Scum of the Girth: Secret Service agents were just having well-deserved fun

By Parker Cramer
April 24, 2012

What happens in Colombia is supposed to stay in Colombia.   As we all know, Secret Service agents were recently in Cartagena, Colombia, before President Obama's arrival at the Summit of the Americas.  After...

An electrical fire started from this outlet inside the Old Forestry Building. The building has been condemned.

The New Frontiersman: Policymakers’ disorganization inhibits crucial renovations

By Clayton Crockett
Opinion Editor
April 24, 2012

In electing our leaders, we willingly subject ourselves not only to the whims of their ideals but to the shortcomings of their character. We pay out of pocket for their successes and failures. With the...

Head to Head: Defaming the dead is unacceptable, especially in war time

By Nicholas Pierce
April 23, 2012

Last week, the Los Angeles Times published a front-page story that included photographs depicting soldiers of the 82nd Airborne division posing with the corpses of dead Afghans. This isn't the first time...

Head to Head: LA Times feeds sensationalism with macabre photos

By Phil Sweeney
April 23, 2012

All's fair in love and war. And journalism. Last week, the fusspots of the Los Angeles Times published macabre photographs of U.S. soldiers striking victory poses with the remains of Afghan insurgents. They...


Positively Carnal: Feminist nuns embody the teachings of Christ more than the current Vatican

By Kristi Carnahan
April 23, 2012

Nuns and feminists. Not two words most people expect to hear in the same sentence, unless the headline involves one bashing the other. Yet that's what the headlines have been flashing for the past week....

Press X to Not Die: Smartwatches lead the way for wirelessly-connected cyborg world

By Adam Arinder
April 22, 2012

We live in a day where all of our toys are smart. Phones are smart. Cars are smart. Games are smart. And soon, your watch will be smart. While those awesome calculator watches I desperately wanted growing...

The New Frontiersman: Louisiana exemplifies politics’ problem with posturing

By Clayton Crockett
Opinion Editor
April 22, 2012

After years of struggling with those pesky liberals, it seems Gov. Bobby Jindal has finally secured an endorsement from the Louisiana Democrats. "The Louisiana Democratic Party believes it's time for him...

Manufacturing Discontent: Cell phone trackers follow no rules, are a danger to privacy

By David Scheuermann
April 22, 2012

Technology can be quite liberating. Innovations over the last decade or so have allowed us to freely publish content, gather information and communicate with each other from across the globe. Yet, it's...

For Thinkers Only: Santorum’s sudden exit proves the start of something new

By Matthew Westfall
April 19, 2012

Ding-dong, Santorum's dead. And no, I'm not talking about the "frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex," a common definition of "Santorum" found on Google. I'm...