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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Our View: LSU System’s controlling grip impedes candid discourse

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
March 11, 2012

Smoke and mirrors. That's what University students can expect during this legislative session, which begins today, unless the LSU System and University administrators reconcile their differences and tell...

For Thinkers Only: The question remains: Who can beat President Obama?

By Matthew Westfall
March 9, 2012

Another round of primaries and caucuses is behind us with Super Tuesday and its 10 participating states in the rearview mirror. Now we can begin to reflect on what we learned from the biggest day on the...

Positively Carnal: Could marriage be going extinct?

By Kristi Carnahan
March 9, 2012

We regularly hear that approximately 50 percent of American marriages end in divorce. That's a grim statistic. But we rarely hear about how many people are getting married despite the divorce rate. Knowing...


The C-Section: Don’t listen to the NRA vice president – guns are staying

By Chris Grillot
March 8, 2012

Oh, Second Amendment, wilt thy tyrant Barack Hussein Obama retract thee? No, he won't. But there are apparently thousands of Americans with baseless fears that he will. With President Obama's impending...

Head to Head: Sporadic overhauls will come and go

By Taylor Balkom
Entertainment Writer
March 8, 2012

While Wednesday's announcement of the new iPad wasn't anything revolutionary, it still showed Apple isn't slowing down following the death of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs. The new iPad — that's...

Blue-Eyed Devil: NYPD deemed ‘un-American’

By Nicholas Pierce
March 8, 2012

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin said that, but judging by today's standards, I'd say he probably wasn't...


Head to Head: Apple is beginning to play things safe

By Adam Arinder
March 8, 2012

"Resolutionary." That's how Apple describes the new iteration of its highly successful iPad. Apple is notorious for using lame buzz words like "magical," "revolutionary" and "it just works" when marketing...

For Thinkers Only: Romney, Santorum duke it out in heated Super Tuesday contest

By Matthew Westfall
March 6, 2012

In a night filled with drama and a soundtrack mirroring that of a boxing heavyweight title bout, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum duked it out in the heavily...

Share the Wealth: Is this the best economic agenda Santorum can come up with?

By Jay Meyers
March 6, 2012

America's recovery from the recession has been so lacking in vitality that it doesn't seem like much of a recovery at all, particularly with respect to jobs. So, in a rational political world, President...

Our View: The Daily Reveille’s dream push card

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
March 6, 2012

Initiatives we would most like to see tackled during the upcoming Student Government election season: Student life: • Create more transparency in the selection of artists for Groovin' on the Grounds,...

The New Frontiersman: Consider the meaning of religious actions during Lent season

By Clayton Crockett
Opinion Editor
March 6, 2012

I remember taking part in Lent as a child. Raised Catholic, educated Catholic and formerly Catholic, I can recall my childhood penances: sodas, video games, biting my fingernails or "asking too many questions,"...

Shockingly Simple: Experiments suggest the wealthy are more likely to cheat

By Andrew Shockey
March 6, 2012

Money might buy a legal team, but it can't buy a conscience. A set of experiments conducted at the University of California, Berkeley suggests wealthier individuals are more likely to cheat, lie and break...