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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Shockingly Simple: Patients and doctors to blame for unnecessary medical bills

By Andrew Shockey
November 9, 2011

According to a recent study by the Mount Sinai and Brown University schools of medicine, primary care physicians prescribed at least $6.8 billion worth of unnecessary tests, procedures and medications...

Press X to Not Die: Apple creates false hype, overpromises features on Siri app

By Adam Arinder
November 9, 2011

When Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S to the world last month, it was a bit of a letdown in both specs and appearance. Aside from a slightly better camera and a snappier processor, the iPhone 4S is identical...

The C-Section: New ‘no cash’ policy won’t affect most of us or Craigslist

By Chris Grillot
November 9, 2011

As college students, many of us are broke. Instead of buying new things, we scour Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, thrift stores and the classified section to find the things we want at reasonable prices, and...

Failure of Diplomacy: Failure of Greek socialism not surprising

By Zachary Davis
November 8, 2011

As many have probably guessed — though it hasn't exactly been hidden — I classify myself in the far, far left of the political spectrum. Based on Marxist ideals, I find many of the goals of...

Letter to the Editor: Constitution requires strict adherence

November 8, 2011

Zachary Davis may be a history junior, but I think he missed a few classes, so I'd like to clear a few things up. First, Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City had little to...

Berxerxes: Cody Wells’ decision silly and spineless; explanations worse

By Xerxes A. Wilson
November 8, 2011

Student Government President Cody Wells' decision not to sign legislation creating a month to commemorate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history sparked a reasonable amount of hubbub last week. Though...

Scum of the Girth: Louisiana pot laws should mirror Mississippi statutes

By Parker Cramer
November 8, 2011

I never thought I would be calling Mississippi progressive. The state currently buried in the controversial Amendment 26 vote, which, if passed, would define life from the moment of conception, ironically...

A Better Pill to Swallow: New Orleans’ reputation soiled by crime, but future is bright

By Chris Freyder
November 7, 2011

The city of New Orleans is an odd place. There are times when the compounding action of the city's food, music and hospitality combine to produce an atmosphere impossible to recreate anywhere else. And...

Walking on Thin Ice: Controlling overpopulation could save environment

By Priyanka Bhatia
November 7, 2011

If we have enough vested interests to send people to war, buy an iPhone or spend time looking for a job, then we should have enough interest to invest in our education system. Apparently no one got that...

Seemann Says: Ann Coulter’s ‘race card’ defense of Cain is hypocritical

By Chris Seemann
November 7, 2011

With Herman Cain's status as a front-runner for the Republican nomination under assault thanks to a litany of gaffes and multiple rehashed sexual-harassment allegations from the 1990s, conservative crank...

The Philibuster: Shakespeare is bard to the bone, but it doesn’t matter

By Phil Sweeney
November 6, 2011

Shakespeare or not Shakespeare: that's the question. It's the question posited by director Roland Emmerich's latest offering, "Anonymous" — who really authored the 38 plays and 154 sonnets historically...

Press X to Not Die: Amazon’s book publishing threatens publishers, bookstores

By Adam Arinder
November 2, 2011

When it comes to consumerism, competition is a good thing. With companies trying to win your hard-earned dollar, they'll throw price cuts and deals in your face until you buy their product. That said,...