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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Berxerxes: Obama student loan changes are insufficient

By Xerxes Wilson
November 1, 2011

When it comes down to it, saying yes is too easy. Log in on your PAWS account and it's all neatly listed for you. Would you like $3,000 unsubsidized, $2,000 subsidized or a combination? Just specify anything...

Scum of the Girth: Population growth to 7 billion shows need for birth control

By Parker Cramer
November 1, 2011

Despite what your parents told you, there is a 50 percent chance they did not intend to conceive you that fateful night when sperm met egg. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...

The Bottom Line: Currency is created with paper, ink, not war, blood

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
November 1, 2011

For far too long, popular economics taught us that war grew economies. As we withdraw from Iraq and reflect on the last decade, I think we can safely say our adventurous approach to war has not stuffed...

Walking on Thin Ice: Styrofoam cups laugh in the face of sustainability, recycling

By Priyanka Bhatia
October 31, 2011

If being a carcinogenic waste of landfill space were a crime, Styrofoam would be on the most wanted list. From the general production of our take-out boxes and disposable coffee cups to the disposal of...

A Better Pill to Swallow: Louisiana veteran homeless require proactive solution

By Chris Freyder
October 31, 2011

From early on, we are initiated into the culture of the soldier. Children spend precious hours of their childhood chasing each other with plastic guns, reenacting battles in their backyards. The transition...

Seemann Says: In America, healthy skepticism is the best policy

By Chris Seemann
October 31, 2011

In his 2009 book "Idiot America", journalist and author Charles Pierce sardonically sings the praises of "the best country ever in which to peddle complete public

Failure of Diplomacy: Despite claims, Occupy movement isn’t like Arab Spring

By Zachary Davis
October 30, 2011

When we get involved in certain things, we may make comparisons that aren't quite accurate. While protesting or arguing against political leaders, it doesn't take long before they're compared to Hitler,...

The G-Spot: A fun Halloween night may turn into a frightful morning

By Gabie Bacques
October 30, 2011

Halloween is a scary time, but the next morning can be just as frightening. So you're going to a gnarly party tonight to celebrate All Hallows' Eve in hopes of bobbing for boobies or trick-or-cheating...

The Philibuster: This Halloween, don’t be a fraidy cat, watch these films

By Phil Sweeney
October 30, 2011

Well, look what the cat dragged in. This weekend, "Puss in Boots" pounced on its competition, earning an estimated $34 million, according to box office analysts at It was the best debut...

Scum of the Girth: Practice your civic duty: Dress like a whore on Halloween

By Parker Cramer
October 27, 2011

It is common knowledge that many women have self-esteem issues when it comes to their body image. But you would never know it on Halloween, arguably America's most patriotic holiday. Halloween on Carlotta...

Letter to the Editor: Cyclists, motorists share the road

October 27, 2011

This week, for the fifth year, Bike Week is being celebrated at LSU. On a large campus like ours, riding a bike can get you where you're going a whole lot faster than walking. Cycling to and from campus...

The C-Section: Recent hit-and-runs highlight problems with city, people

By Chris Grillot
October 27, 2011

If there is one thing I've noticed since moving to Baton Rouge, it's that cars are always hitting people here. A car hit one of my roommates. A car hit one of my editors. Cars have hit a few of my friends....