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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Scum of the Girth: Living in poverty doesn’t always mean people are lazy

By Parker Cramer
September 17, 2011

It's hell to be poor. What's worse than being poor? Being impoverished — otherwise known as living in poverty. The 2010 Census reports 46.2 million Americans are currently living in poverty. In a...

HEAD TO HEAD | The G-Spot: Porn promotes unprotected sex, unrealistic expectations

By Gabie Bacques
September 17, 2011

Porn may be detrimental to more aspects of your life than just your socks. The fact that pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry is sickening. Frankly, it's a waste of money on something that most...

The C-Section: ‘Free football ticket with $50 pen’ an illegal scalping tactic

By Chris Grillot
September 14, 2011

Scalping student football tickets has been an ongoing occurrence with University students for years. And why wouldn't it be? It provides an easy way for students to capitalize on the opportunity to buy...

Seemann Says: Presidential debates are too short, lack significance

By Chris Seemann
September 14, 2011

If you watched the GOP debate Monday night between the eight remaining prospective candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, you may have found yourself shaking your head in disgust or nodding...

The Philibuster: La. needs professional film schools, not just tax incentives

By Phil Sweeney
September 14, 2011

Baton Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden announced Thursday that production on the second season of the A&E series "Breakout Kings" will relocate to Baton Rouge, remarking that the Red Stick is "rapidly...

Scum of the Girth: Patriot Act used to search everyone except terrorists

By Parker Cramer
September 14, 2011

The Patriot Act — a terrorist's worst nightmare. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Patriot Act will make committing an act of terrorism in the United States nearly impossible. Why, you ask? Because...

Press X to Not Die: Nintendo gives original 3DS adopters the middle finger

By Adam Arinder
September 14, 2011

Nintendo is undoubtedly a dominant powerhouse in the video game world, as well as the tech world. Unfortunately, even powerhouses make mistakes. Nintendo first ventured into the realm of 3-D with the release...

The Bottom Line: Unending tax cuts are unsustainable, can’t continue

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
September 12, 2011

Really, this has to stop. We've deluded ourselves for far too long. I think I can safely generalize and say in nearly every political race, lower taxes are proposed by at least one well-intentioned candidate. Occasionally?...

Berxerxes: Don’t take US News and World Report ranking too seriously

By Xerxes A. Wilson
September 12, 2011

A radioactive cloud of gloom has descended over the Quad as our beloved University dropped four places in US News and World Report's recently released ranking of American universities. This is perhaps...

Shockingly Simple: Frankenburgers could save energy and the environment

By Andrew Shockey
September 12, 2011

Researchers around the world are racing to develop a commercially viable alternative to meat, without the inconvenience of raising and slaughtering millions of animals every year. Lab-grown meat promises...

Press X to Not Die: Fox News should keep mouth shut about video games

By Adam Arinder
September 11, 2011

Fox News Channel wears many hats. For conservatives, it offers a slew of information keeping people up-to-date on the latest news around the world. For liberals, it brings comedic relief, allowing them...

Failure of Diplomacy: Unconstitutionality of Department of Education is a scheme

By Zachary Davis
September 11, 2011

Big government. While these two words may cause the staunchest Libertarians, Tea-Partiers and Republicans to quake in fear or anger, they have no such effect on me. In fact, I support big government and...