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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Press X to Not Die: Fox News should keep mouth shut about video games

By Adam Arinder
September 11, 2011

Fox News Channel wears many hats. For conservatives, it offers a slew of information keeping people up-to-date on the latest news around the world. For liberals, it brings comedic relief, allowing them...

The G-Spot: Masturbation while practicing abstinence is hypocritical

By Gabie Bacques
September 10, 2011

Masturbation can be quite the touchy subject for some people, but stimulating nonetheless. Masturbation is, by nature, a very personal affair. That being said, it shouldn't affect anyone else unless it...

Failure of Diplomacy: Sex education important in combating teen pregnancy

By Zachary Davis
September 10, 2011

Sexual education is a difficult subject for many. Trying to teach students before they start experimenting on their own and after they've reached the right maturity to handle it is a fine balance indeed....

Walking on Thin Ice: Use of conflict minerals in electronics comes at high cost

By Priyanka Bhatia
September 10, 2011

Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, the conflict minerals are coming. She's beautiful and sleek. Her curves may be non-existent, but what she lacks in geometry, she definitely makes up for in intelligence. A...

Don’t ever forget

By Russell Witham, Senior Staff Columnist
September 10, 2011

September 11th is the 254th day of the year. And in most ways, it's not particularly different from Sept. 10 or Sept. 12. It's just a day -- 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. The calendar would...

Scum of the Girth: It’s time to turn the other cheek, America

By Parker Cramer
September 7, 2011

Where were you when the planes hit the Twin Towers? I was in the fifth grade, oblivious to why half of my class had been picked up from school early that day by their parents. We were kept in the dark,...

Shockingly Simple: Panda poop could rescue us from oil and corn ethanol

By Andrew Shockey
September 7, 2011

 Researchers unveiled an unlikely source for biofuel-creating enzymes at the 242nd National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society. It's panda poop. Giant pandas dine almost exclusively...

Press X To Not Die: MPAA, RIAA team up to monitor Internet pirates

By Adam Arinder
September 7, 2011

Why pay for something when you could get it for free? That's been a topic of debate for the past decade or two, thanks to the ease of online piracy. Ever since the rise and fall of file-sharing site Napster,...

Seemann Says: Ron Paul may be charismatic, but doesn’t understand science

By Chris Seemann
September 7, 2011

I really want to like Ron Paul. For disaffected independent voters like me, the possibilities of the 2012 election loom large and ominous on the horizon. Next November, America must choose between a politically...

Failure of Diplomacy: Israeli actions show American alliance is irresponsible

By Zachary Davis
September 7, 2011

It shouldn't be news to anyone that the continued tensions between Palestine and Israel have yet to wane. Besides the rivalry of the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, no two countries seem...

Berxerxes: Bobby Jindal shows deficient leadership in higher education

By Xerxes Wilson
September 7, 2011

Gov. Bobby Jindal's "run" for another term is shaping to be more of a stroll. With only today left to register for the race, the only thing serious about his declared opponents is their serious lack of...

Walking on Thin Ice: New meal plan guidelines insult students

By Priyanka Bhatia
September 7, 2011

There are many constants in a college student's life, including partying hard, studying harder and occasionally cursing their pockets for lack of funds. Especially when it comes to food. Let's face it:...