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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Press X to Not Die: Hackers seek to destroy Facebook over privacy concerns

By Adam Arinder
August 24, 2011

On Nov. 5, 1605, a group of angry English Catholics unhappy with the way the current king was going about his business devised a plot to assassinate their country's leader on this date. The plot was simple:...

Our View: Legacy of ‘Reveille Seven’ an enduring inspiration

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
August 24, 2011

Each day, approximately 80 Daily Reveille staff members scour the campus and surrounding areas in pursuit of our mission to give readers timely, thorough and truthful information about the activity that...

The Bottom Line: Don’t worry, I have saved the U.S. economy

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
August 24, 2011

I have exciting news today. I've solved our economic woes. It all started this morning. I jumped out of my American-made bed, changed out of my red pajamas — the ones with the elephants — and...

The Philibuster: DWI checkpoint pages are actually anti-drunk driving

By Phil Sweeney
August 24, 2011

Recently, while Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans, Bahrainis, Syrians and Yemenis were using social networking websites to organize political dissidence, we Louisianians were cultivating our own brand of Internet-based...

Cartoon: Antimatter 8/22/2011

By Nutsinee Kijbunchoo
August 23, 2011

  ____ Contact Nutsinee Kijbunchoo at [email protected]

Seemann Says: ‘War on Government’ is unnecessary, counterproductive

By Chris Seemann
August 23, 2011

If the prevailing American political discourse is any indication, the word "government" is synonymous with failure. Scores of politicians, most of whom identify themselves as conservatives, spend a staggering...

The Bottom Line: There’s no way around it, we need higher taxes to fix deficit

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
August 23, 2011

No matter what our ideology, we must face reality. We cannot fix our deficit without a tax increase. The GOP prides itself in a no-new-taxes approach in nearly all circumstances. It's a matter of principal,...

The G-Spot: ‘Friends with benefits’ relationships don’t work out

By Gabie Bacques
August 22, 2011

Stop sneaking into the closet with your band buddies. You might end up dead. Or worse — pregnant. Contrary to how Hollywood may portray "friends with benefits," these glamorous relationships just...

From the Editor’s Desk: The Reveille prepares for school year, introduces changes

By Matthew Jacobs
August 21, 2011

As today's front page declares, welcome back, LSU. This summer was full of news. LA GRAD Act 2.0 passed, the debt ceiling almost exploded and America was glued to a heart-wrenching murder trial three years...

To the Point: It’s time for the American ‘poor’ to share the same sacrifice

By Austin Casey
July 28, 2011

To solve the looming debt crisis, President Obama proposes we tax the "richest Americans and corporations" because they need to "pay their fair share." It's going to take "shared sacrifice," he tells us. But...

The Bottom Line: In debt ceiling talks, it’s my country and I can cry if I want to

By Devin Graham
July 28, 2011

Apparently, some of our representatives still oppose any increase in the debt ceiling, and it may very well be the end of the U.S., even if a resolution is passed in time. It's hard to overstate how huge...