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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Scum of the Girth: Life is a beautiful gift, don’t waste it by blowing yourself up

By Parker Cramer
July 24, 2011

In my relatively short lifetime, lots of things have been blown up. From suicide bombers to car bombs to airplanes, terrorism has become the norm. The recent events in Norway are evidence of that. Months...

To the Point: Michele Bachmann’s migraines shouldn’t disqualify her

By Austin Casey
July 24, 2011

It's funny how liberals claim they're feminists, yet when a powerful, conservative female comes along they jump at the opportunity to smear her as incompetent. The most recent attack is on Michele Bachmann,...

To Bottom Line: In debt ceiling talks, it’s time to ‘Tear the Roof off the Sucker’

By Devin Graham
July 20, 2011

When one of the world's richest men speaks up, you listen. Warren Buffett, named the "Oracle of Omaha" for his uncanny aptitude for investment, stated Monday that the debt ceiling was simply an "artificial...

To the Point: US House bill would give schools much needed autonomy

By Austin Casey
July 20, 2011

Last week, all 23 Republicans of the U.S. House Education & the Workforce committee approved the State and Local Funding Flexibility Act, while the 17 Democrats opposed the bill, claiming it was an...

Scum of the Girth: Despite the trial, be thankful your mother isn’t Casey Anthony

By Parker Cramer
July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony was a mother from Florida who was accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, and was found not guilty by a Florida court. She was released from prison last Sunday. Let's take a...

The Bottom Line: Students graduate with underwhelming financial knowledge

By Devin Graham
July 18, 2011

Many students ace math, English and science without problems. But these same students fail to pay their bills on time after graduation. It's a pandemic. The American education system has been decried for...

Press X to Not Die: Netflix price increase a slap in the face to consumers

By Adam Arinder
July 18, 2011

It's no question Netflix has revolutionized the way people watch movies and television shows. Without Netflix, we wouldn't have Hulu or the cable companies trying to improve their OnDemand and streaming...

The Bottom Line: If Uncle Sam can’t pay the bills, the US will pay the price

By Devin Graham
July 13, 2011

According to federal law, Congress must allow the government to borrow any money that is needed to pay for programs Congress passes — which sounds pretty fair to me. Occasionally, spending will be...

Our View: Relief effort commendable, but follow through falls short

By The Editorial Board
July 13, 2011

On April 27 a deadly tornado devastated Tuscaloosa, Ala., prompting an outpouring of generosity by the LSU community. Students, faculty and staff donated more than 50 boxes of toiletries and clothes to...

Press X to Not Die: Supreme Court ruling protects games under First Amendment

By Adam Arinder
July 13, 2011

Working in the gaming department at Best Buy for nearly two years introduced me to some interesting people and strange stories. While I could probably write an entire book about some of the interactions...