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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



A Better Pill to Swallow: Future of drug development secured by venture philanthropy

By Chris Freyder
May 5, 2011

It is often said that wealth is something accumulated, not spent. But it's rare to find a general consensus on why we should accumulate it at all. Great wealth affords almost limitless purchasing power...

Shockingly Simple: Unconventional testing could prepare students for real world

By Andrew Shockey
May 5, 2011

In the middle of "dead week," with finals fast approaching, tests are on every student's mind. Fortunately for students, in a land overflowing with Scantrons and blue books, some educators are exploring...

Press X to Not die: EA’s new facility should excite gamers everywhere

By Adam Arinder
May 4, 2011

When children are asked what they went to be when they grow up, their answers are always the same — policeman, firefighter, astronaut, doctor, etc. Not me. As far back as I can remember, I always...

The Daily Reveille holding fall application session tonight

If you're looking for a fun, hands-on venture into the rapidly changing world of journalism, The Daily Reveille is the place for you. We are seeking applicants for all sections, including writing, design,...

Failure of Diplomacy: Rep. Labruzzo’s bills beg for attention, must be aborted

By Zachary Davis
May 4, 2011

John LaBruzzo, you are one hell of a troll. What else could explain the bills you've proposed besides desire for attention? LaBruzzo, for those of you who don't know, is the state representative out of...

Pop Goes the Culture: Storify aids lazy reporters, discourages from doing own work

By Kelly Hotard
May 4, 2011

Some phrases need quotation marks. Among my personal favorites are "reality TV" and "citizen journalism." They're oxymorons, and the surrounding punctuation visually represents the barrier between them...

Our View: Flag burning deplorable, stereotyping just as wrong

A deplorable act on campus followed one of the United States' most important victories in the War on Terror. Hours after President Barack Obama announced Osama bin Laden had been shot and killed in a firefight...

The C-Section: Proposed Commandments monument a monumental screw-up

By Chris Grillot
May 3, 2011

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This part of the First Amendment, known as the "Establishment Clause," was included in the...

Rocking the Cradle: Palestinian unity marred by Hamas, Fatah’s bad motives

By Clayton Crockett
May 3, 2011

As governments continue to fall in the Arab world, particular countries find adjustments must be made to maintain stability in a volatile era. The most recent influential adjustment to be made is the Palestinian...

Seemann Says: Column about sexy clothes absurd

By Chris Seemann
May 3, 2011

Any time someone writes an article where children and sexuality intersect, there's sure to be fireworks. ESPN columnist LZ Granderson is the latest to stir up this virtual hornets' nest. He has used his...

Rocking the Cradle: Osama bin Laden’s death should be celebrated by all

By Clayton Crockett
May 3, 2011

Upon the announcement of the death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden late Sunday night, our nation erupted into celebration of a victory long overdue. Large crowds immediately gathered outside the White...

The Bottom Line: Vodka prices labeled ‘ultra-premium’ maintain low prices

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
May 3, 2011

Colorless, odorless, tasteless. That's how the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines vodka. Ask a premium vodka company like IDOL, Stoli Elit or Tru Organic, however, and you'll get a totally different...