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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The C-Section: La. named most violent state, but it’s not really surprising

By Chris Grillot
April 25, 2011

Ready to hear some bad news?   For some, this news may be dismaying. Others may simply say, "Duh." But here it is: Louisiana is the least peaceful state in the United States.   That's right —...

Press X to Not Die: iPhone tracks users’ locations, even with feature turned off

By Adam Arinder
April 25, 2011

People have become overdependent on their GPS systems these days. One of my favorite episodes of "The Office" comes from the fourth season, where Regional Manager Michael Scott tries to win back clients...

Seemann Says: Proposed Tenn. bill an embarrassment to education, progress

By Chris Seemann
April 25, 2011

It's been nearly 86 years since the Scopes Monkey Trial ensnared the attention of the American public. John Scopes, a high school teacher in Dayton, Tenn., willingly became the defendant in a court case...

Shorter work weeks will help overcome doctor shortages

By Chris Freyder
April 14, 2011

The road to medical school is a game of numbers. The roughly 1,200 freshmen at the University who initially express an interest in medical or dentistry school are whittled down to 300 to 350 by the time...

Quran burning response unacceptable, hurts US Muslims

By Chris Seeman
April 14, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones is a misguided bigot. The part-time preacher and part-time used furniture salesman has done his damndest to earn that title, using his role as the leader of the Dove World Outreach Center...

Press X to Not Die: Google to bring original programming to fill 20 YouTube channels

By Adam Arinder
April 13, 2011

When Google bought YouTube in 2006, it left a lot of people scratching their heads. This head-scratching led to more frustration as Google starting laying down more restrictions and pulling full videos...

Our View: SG parking permits shouldn’t come from students’ pockets

April 12, 2011

It shouldn't be a surprise some student leaders on campus receive perks — they come with just about any high profile job at schools across the nation. So when The Daily Reveille learned four Student...

Failure of Diplomacy: Proposed changes in sex crime legislation vital for student safety

By Zachary Davis
April 12, 2011

Sex. It's all around us. It's in our movies, shows, video games, music and books. Wherever there's creative input, you can rest assured sex can be involved. Whether its invasion into our culture is the...

The Bottom Line: Rising copper prices mean Louisiana’s thieves are #winning

By Devin Graham
Opinionr Editor
April 12, 2011

Burglars in Baton Rouge have been on a copper kick in recent years, stealing the metal from places like local air conditioners. The criminals, who I can only assume strongly resemble the Hamburglar, scaled...

Failure of Diplomacy: Tim Pawlenty’s actions a signal for what’s to come

By Zachary Davis
March 28, 2011

It seems like only yesterday we were in the midst of the 2008 presidential campaigns. Now, with about a year and a half until the next election, it seems like the campaigning will soon start again. While...

Walking on Thin Ice: Women: It’s time to change the environment, your health

By Priyanka Bhatia
March 28, 2011

Amid their everyday successes that have become commonplace, many women forget about the history, or should I say "herstory," that brought us here. Maya Angelou, Abigail Adams and Gloria Steinem are just...

Southern Discourse: Federal intervention in NOPD necessary, welcome

By Macy Linton
March 28, 2011

In a report issued March 16, the Department of Justice delivered an unfortunate truth to the New Orleans government: "For far too long, the New Orleans Police Department failed to adequately protect the...