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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Failure of Diplomacy: Detrimental attacks against transparency on the rise

By Zachary Davis
March 22, 2011

Our ideal of a transparent government has come under attack — an attack that became exacerbated with the explosion of WikiLeaks on the Web last year. Most of the leaked information has been damning...

The Bottom Line: AT&T merger could be illegal and dangerous for consumers

By Devin Graham
Opinion Editor
March 22, 2011

AT&T recently announced its intention to acquire T-Mobile for $39 billion, but the deal faces some problems. It may not be legal because of antitrust regulations, and it could spell disaster for local...

A Better Pill to Swallow: US obesity crisis solvable through good health education

By Chris Freyder
March 22, 2011

For primary and secondary school students in Mexico, lunchtime has taken on a new meaning. Soft drinks, processed snacks, fried chips and even tacos are missing from the school menus. Keen on conquering...

Letter to the Editor: 3/23/2011

March 22, 2011

LSU campus should be smoke-free Kick Butts Day, the annual event sponsored by Tobacco-Free Kids to encourage a smoke-free environment, is today. Once again, SmokingWords would like to challenge the campus...

Rocking the Cradle: Guevara a failed, idealist leader

By Clayton Crockett
March 17, 2011

Ernesto "Che" Guevara was a man of the heart, not the mind. More reactionary than revolutionary, Guevara followed his passion for humanity with an admirable integrity, however misguided and shortsighted...

Press X to Not Die: TigerCASH adds extra burden, fees to every student

By Adam Arinder
March 15, 2011

Accepted at more than 250 places on and around campus, TigerCASH has become a popular form of payment among students at the University. "TigerCASH is a debit card system using your Tiger Card (LSU ID)...

Election Notice: Jones sanctioned for distributing food

March 15, 2011

On March 14 at 9:05 pm the Election Board of LSU Student Government found that David Jones, a candidate for Student Government President, distributed food to a registered LSU student organization during...

Guest Column: Corporal punishment at St. Augustine displays ’embarrassing vestige’

The entire student body of St. Augustine High School in New Orleans attended a rally March 4 to support the return of paddling as a method of discipline at their school. You read right — these students...

Shockingly Simple: Conservative media, Wisconsin’s Republicans are anti-intellectual

By Andrew Shockey
March 15, 2011

Former NPR CEO Vivian Schiller resigned March 9 after former Vice President of Fundraising Ron Schiller (no relation) was recorded making disparaging remarks toward the Republican Party and the Tea Party...

Our View: Gumbo now offered in print, online

March 15, 2011

Student Media is at it again. We just got through rolling out an iPhone app, and the editors at Gumbo, your yearbook, are launching another techy treat — an online yearbook. This Gumbo 2.0 will feature...

Student Government Update: bringing the campus together

By Emerson Barker, Guest Columnist
February 28, 2011

It's been a while since you elected your 2010-2011 senators last year, yet here we find ourselves again, ready to elect another round. The Student Senate has been working on a lot this year, but I'm afraid...

Letter to the Editor: 2/28/2011

February 27, 2011

Flagship Advocates seek to make positive difference The Flagship Advocates are seeking members to help us fight for our premier university. The focus of our flagship aspiration? To optimize our distinguished...