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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Letter to the Editor: LSU must embrace globalization

By Luke Rogers
mass communication junior
November 30, 2010

As International Education week ended Friday, I was left with a question. What steps is the university taking to promote and incorporate international education? One of the principles of good education...

Cancel the Apocalypse: ‘War on Christmas’ starts early – it’s dumber than ever

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
November 30, 2010

Sleigh bells ringing, red-nosed caribou taking flight, obese pedophiles donning red jumpsuits and the Thanksgiving hangover all point to it — the holiday season is upon us. But all is not well for...

The Bottom Line: Terrorists win when TSA uses illegal and inefficient methods

By Devin Graham
November 30, 2010

In a response to an attempted attack on the U.S. by a terrorist creating a bomb from a printer cartridge on a plane, the Transportation Security Administration has implemented deficient procedures in an...

Burns After Reading: True costs of war aren’t limited to death tolls, finances

By Scott Burns
November 30, 2010

Distractions are easy to come by in today's tumultuous journalism environment. Lurking beneath the superficial surface of American headline news is the sobering story of our nation's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Press X To Not Die: The tech world offers great gift ideas this holiday season

By Adam Arinder
November 29, 2010

With finals week quickly approaching, many students may not have time to think about what to give their loved ones this holiday season. But instead of falling back on something like socks or underwear,...

Campus-Resident Alien: Pat-down procedure exposes fragility of America’s intimate values

By Marcelo Vieira
November 29, 2010

Security procedures in airports have come under heavy scrutiny in the past month. The threat of recently foiled terrorist attempts and the addition of a full body scan machine with the alternative of a...

Pop Goes The Culture: Readers’ comments reveal my five darkest secrets

By Kelly Hotard
November 29, 2010

It's that time of year again. The end of the semester is upon us, along with the chance to evaluate everything students have learned the Last few months. And I'm conducting a final review of my own, from...

The Bottom Line: Gov. Jindal’s budget claims, education policy a joke

By Devin Graham
November 23, 2010

Gov. Bobby Jindal was interviewed by FOX News on Nov. 15th to both promote his new book and enhance his political image. Near the end of the interview, Piyush tried to pass this little nugget of wisdom...

Letters to the editor – 11/23/10

November 23, 2010

I am writing this letter in response to the Faculty Senate's recent vote on commencement honor cord regulations and their vote to hold an addition ceremony for those with honor cords. I think it is ridiculous...

Burns interviews Vieira: Do immigrants enrich or endanger American culture?

By Scott Burns & Marcelo Vieira
November 22, 2010

Burns: Ever since the inception of the American republic, immigration has been one of our nation's most controversial issues. Today, the debate has taken to a whole new level with increasingly divisive...

Pop Goes the Culture: ‘Sex addiction’ a trend among the famous, not a real disorder

By Kelly Hotard
November 22, 2010

"Sex, drugs and rock ‘n' roll" has been a pretty accurate summary of pop culture for decades. But these days it has boiled down even further, and rock ‘n' roll has virtually evaporated (or...

Press X to Not Die: Google’s seamless merging of TV and Internet a technological wonder

By Adam Arinder
November 22, 2010

The future is here — get excited. The seamless integration of TV and Internet now rests in my living room. Released last month, Google TV provides users a brand new experience when it comes to watching...