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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Failure of Diplomacy: Lowering drinking age to 18 unwise for United States

By Zachary Davis
November 21, 2010

I celebrated my 20th birthday last weekend. While that age may be a significant milestone for some (it's the end of my teenage years), to me, it's just the last step closer to a more important milestone:...

The C-Section: ‘Pseudo-weed’ creates dangerous ‘pseudo-prohibition’

By Chris Grillot
November 21, 2010

Marijuana became illegal at the federal level with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. The act classified marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, deeming it to have a high potential for abuse...

Shockingly Simple: Anti-vaccine movement does not protect from autism

By Andrew Shockey
November 21, 2010

Dr. Andrew Wakefield wrote an article published in February 1998 in the British medical journal The Lancet that claimed the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) caused autism in children. Since the...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Conservative groups embarrass themselves by trying to demonize professor

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
November 21, 2010

I was once asked if a true conservative could be a critical thinker. While I never gave the query much thought, recent fireballs thrown from such conservative groups as have made me wonder...

The C-Section: Quidditch teams plot to take over sports world

By Chris Grillot
November 19, 2010

In recent years, students may have noticed their classmates carrying brooms around campus. To the untrained eye, these broom-wielding students might seem to have a unique obsession with cleaning —...

Sportsman’s Paradise Lost: Dumbledore is gay … Who gives a flying broomstick?

By Cody Worsham
November 19, 2010

Part of the charm of the Harry Potter series is its penchant for unexpected twists and turns. Fans have lost many hours of sleep over the years reading Harry-style — flashlight under the sheets —...

Pop Goes The Culture: ‘Harry Potter’ fans deserve one grand finale – not two

By Kelly Hotard
November 19, 2010

It's the moment you've all been waiting for. It's something I actually love in pop culture. It's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I," and it hit your local theaters at 12:01 this morning. Unfortunately,...

Eat Less, Learn More: LSU, Hogwarts aren’t too different from each other

By Matt Lousteau
November 19, 2010

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" will draw the attention of millions to the epic journey of Harry Potter and his battle with Lord Voldemort, the most evil wizard to have walked the Earth. But,...

Letter to the Editor: 11/18/10

November 18, 2010

Men's basketball team outplayed, out-coached I realize tonight was just the second game of the season for a young team, but the fans who make an effort to attend men's basketball games deserve better. What...

The C-Section: Sponsorships could alleviate University’s budget cut woes

By Chris Grillot
November 18, 2010

With budget cuts threatening the future of the University, every department seems to be scrambling to find funding in an effort to keep professors and instructors employed. The cuts will prove devastating...

Shockingly Simple: Zapping your brain can provide boost in mathematical ability

By Andrew Shockey
November 18, 2010

Most students would probably rather get electrocuted than go to Calculus. Thanks to modern medicine, this dream has moved one step closer to reality. Transcranial direct current stimulation, or TDCS, basically...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Office of Parking should give commuters refunds

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
November 16, 2010

Commuting students are all too familiar with the woes of on-campus parking. Endlessly searching a full South Stadium lot, paying hefty fines for inventing their own spaces and doing battle with fellow...