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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Failure of Diplomacy: O’Donnell isn’t a witch, and it shouldn’t matter if she were

By Zachary Davis
October 23, 2010

"I'm not a witch." Those now regrettable words, spoken by Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell, will probably go down as one of the most interesting starts to any political ad ever. Close behind it, however,...

Letter to the editor: Voting is a reserved right, not a privilege

October 23, 2010

As a student of this University, I find it utterly ridiculous that a column like "Failure of Diplomacy" could be chosen to represent the voice of our student body. Mr. Davis, who is not even from the United...

Pop Goes the Culture: In modern culture, persuasion is the ultimate art form

By Kelly Hotard
October 18, 2010

This week, I'm engaging in a "culture war" with fellow columnist Marcelo Vieira. Together we're tackling a fundamental cultural question: What is an artist? While forming my definition of the term "artist,"...

Letter to the editor: LSU deserves more money than other La. universities

October 18, 2010

Why won't the Reveille, the LSU administration, professors or Student Government ask the most obvious and important question when it comes to higher education funds in Louisiana? Why are so many dollars...

Our View: Jindal not all to blame, contact your legislators

October 18, 2010

In the past weeks, The Daily Reveille has taken steps to criticize Gov. Bobby Jindal's silence on the higher education financial crisis. While Jindal deserves a major share of the responsibility for the...

Campus-Resident Alien: In modern culture art is greatness, not fame

By Marcelo Vieira
October 18, 2010

What makes one an artist? Trying to answer this question is the goal for my column this week. It could be fun to tread this uninhibited and mind-wandering path, but I have reasons to believe it's bad news...

Press X to Not Die: Students should be more active in breast cancer awareness

By Adam Arinder
October 18, 2010

Why does it seem like every time you open the pages of The Daily Reveille, one of us is writing something about Facebook? The answer is easy. As college students, Facebook is the main cause of distraction...

Letter to The Editor: 10/18/2010

October 18, 2010

  I recently read in the Baton Rouge Advocate about the SG President's letter pleading for Gov. Bobby Jindal to return to Louisiana to deal with budgetary issues. I have a problem with our SG president...

Cancel the Apocalypse: We’ve had enough of ‘budget cuts’ and enough of gov. apathy

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
October 18, 2010

Until recently, I had never paid much attention to politicians. Elitists spending loads of money and drawing enough attention to get elected, then representing only themselves and their respective "parties"...

Our View: Hudson’s letters causing stir, only the first step

October 17, 2010

Image is everything in politics. Gov. Bobby Jindal has been flying around the country lately, trying to cultivate that image. And there's nothing wrong with that — except when it comes at the expense...

Read J Hudson’s letter about Jindal to an NH newspaper

October 16, 2010

Click Here to read J Hudson's letter about Jindal to an NH newspaper

Sportsman’s Paradise Lost: ‘Gas for Guns’ a new low for combating BR crime

By Cody Worsham
October 16, 2010

I'm not afraid to admit I've made some dumb decisions in my life. Onion rings at the fair before hopping on the roller coaster, ordering a hot dog at a seafood restaurant and taking that 10th shot of Jack...