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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Letters to the Editor: 9/17/10

September 15, 2010

Let us drink and sing while the walls crumble around us It is a sad ordeal when, even with all of our University's proposed budget cuts, we choose to continue with things like Fall Fest.  Now I am...

Shockingly Simple: Thorium provides better energy source for the future

By Andrew Shockey
Opinion Columnist
September 15, 2010

As we look to the future to provide us with new sources of energy to combat our growing energy habits, our best bet might come from research done in the past 50 years on an element called thorium. Thorium...

The C-Section: Plan B: The sexually active’s best friend after a night out

By Chris Grillot
Opinion Columnist
September 15, 2010

Listen up, female Tigerland friends: I hold a solution to all of your problems. You've probably heard of it — Plan B One-Step. For those of you who are against the use of birth control just for the...

View From Another School: U.S. government bites off more than it can chew

By Arragon Perrone
University of Connecticut
September 15, 2010

STORRS, Conn. — (UWIRE) Henry David Thoreau wrote "the government is best which governs least." This is not to agree with the anarchists who say "the government is best which does nothing at all"...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Chats expose students’ apathy toward budget cuts

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
September 15, 2010

Tuesday's session of Chats with the Chancellor solidified an already evident problem on campus — University students are incredibly apathetic toward the budget cut crisis. The stage was set for a...

Letter to the Editor: 9/16/2010

September 15, 2010

The Sept. 3 article "‘Vast majority' of instructors will keep jobs in the spring" was a textbook case of spin.  In an e-mail to the faculty last week, Chancellor Martin confirmed what Eric...

Burns After Reading: Real legacy of WWI is lost on many Americans

By Scott Burns
September 13, 2010

It was a somber close to one of the longest wars in U.S. history as President Barack Obama declared the end of combat operations in Iraq last month. There was no "Mission Accomplished" banner draped above...

Letter to the Editor: 9/15/10

September 13, 2010

Faculty union to benefit professors, the University As an LSU Faculty Senator, I was pleased to learn that the Louisiana Association of Educators, an affiliate of the National Education Association, will...

The Bottom Line: Google announces plans for music store, could rival iTunes

By Devin Graham
September 13, 2010

Google recently announced it will soon open a music store of its own soon in an attempt to capture some of the online music industry's lucrative profits. So far, Google is only in negotiations and hasn't...

Press X to Not Die: Despite new competition, iTunes will not lose its lead

By Adam Arinder
September 13, 2010

This is very difficult for me. To those who know me personally or the few who keep up weekly with my columns, it's quite evident I'm the biggest Google-loving, Apple-bashing son-of-a-who-knows-what to...

Campus-Resident Alien: Future headlines: ‘Invading Iran a huge mistake’

By Marcelo Vieira
September 12, 2010

My title asks for it — United States, please don't invade Iran.   And it's everyone's duty to beseech the American government to not do this.   So check your compass, turn yourself to Washington's...

Letter to the Editor: Students responsible for text improvement

September 12, 2010

When I teach public speaking, my students hear a lot about their responsibilities to hold those in power accountable for their actions. My students always and without fail answer this call of responsibility...