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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Pop Goes the Culture: Bieber example of (hopefully) short-lived superficial stardom

By Kelly Hotard
September 13, 2010

It was ladies' night at MTV's 27th annual Video Music Awards on Sunday. The show was hosted by a woman — comedian Chelsea Handler — for the first time since 2007. But in reality, it was just...

Press X to Not Die: Students should find alternatives to campus corporate greed

By Adam Arinder
September 13, 2010

Double Cheeseburger at McDonald's: $1.19 Double Cheeseburger at McDonald's in the Student Union: $1.59 Hamburger in Tiger Stadium: $4. Knowing you're being violated by money-grubbing corporations and associations...

A wedding procession with a traditional Chinese theme march on a street of Beijing, China, Sunday, Sept. 12, 2010.

Failure of Diplomacy: Studying abroad should replace gen. ed. requirement

By Zachary Davis
September 12, 2010

In these troubling economic times and with student loan debt recently overtaking credit card debt, students cannot afford to waste their time with bogus general education requirements. Instead, colleges...

Letter to the editor: 9/13/10

September 12, 2010

Mike the Tiger column was offensive Editorial Staff,   I would first like to point out that I am not the type of person who normally writes what you are about to read. I am extremely laid-back. However,...

Don’t Believe the Hype: Is it even possible for Louisiana citizens to be healthy?

By Michael Sandoz
September 12, 2010

Congratulations, residents: Louisiana has moved up from being the 49th healthiest state in the U.S. to 47th.   Shall we celebrate?   Probably not. We are still getting larger.   The average...

Eat Less, Learn More: While the University suffers budget cuts, athletics flourish

By Matt Lousteau
September 9, 2010

Administrators proposed "cutting" $1.53 million from the Cox Communications Academic Center for Student Athletes in mid-July as part of the projected cuts for the 2011-12 fiscal year.   This tremendous...

The C-Section: ‘Still a virgin?’ phone line offers callers questionable advice

By Chris Grillot
September 9, 2010

"Still a Virgin? For Help Call 888-743-4335" boasts a billboard on Nicholson, College Drives and Brightside Lane. At first glance, these billboards may offend you if you're a parent or a sheltered conservative...

Failure of Diplomacy: US treatment of education programs deserves an F

By Zachary Davis
September 9, 2010

As a future teacher and someone who has attended foreign schools, I've seen firsthand how big the difference is between foreign and local schools and why we really must do something about it. Here, let's...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Quran burning brought new chances for each side of debate

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
September 9, 2010

Terry Jones, leader of Dove World Outreach Center, heeding the calls of worldwide condemnation, stated Thursday the Quran burning will not take place in Gainesville, Fla., on Sept. 11.   Outcries...

The Bottom Line: Government spends more on breast cancer than prostate cancer

By Devin Graham
September 9, 2010

If you are part of the female persuasion, you may be in luck. Around 99 percent of breast cancer cases occur in women each year. Prostate cancer is an entirely male problem. Women don't get it. Ever. Still,...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Martin torpedoed the flagship with BRCC partnering talks

By Andrew Robertson
September 8, 2010

Like most students, I chose to attend LSU over BRCC for a specific reason — it's not a community college. I worked my ass off to get here and pay my tuition, but for what?   Not only are we...

Burns After Reading: University is putting Mike the Tiger on a pedestal

By Scott Burns
September 8, 2010

Setting priorities has always been an integral part of college life.   So what can we learn about our University's priorities in light of the latest round of budget cuts?   First: Students don't...