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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Be informed this election season

By Andrew Dworznicki, Staff Columnist
September 8, 2010

We all have finally gotten back into the swing of things with class and getting acclimated to a new school year, so now is a great time to get involved. As many of you know, there are local and state elections...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Martin torpedoed the flagship with BRCC partnering talks

By Andrew Robertson
September 8, 2010

Like most students, I chose to attend LSU over BRCC for a specific reason — it's not a community college. I worked my ass off to get here and pay my tuition, but for what?   Not only are we...

Shockingly Simple: Concussions in football still a bigger problem than we realize

By Andrew Shockey
September 7, 2010

Research from Boston University and the University of North Carolina is shedding new light on the dangers of concussions and subconcussive trauma and their long-term health effects. A concussion is a lapse...

Sportsman’s Paradise Lost: Given the choice of douche or turd, don’t vote at all

By Cody Worsham
September 7, 2010

The unmistakable scent of cheap cologne, faces still moist and brown from ass-kissing, and button-downs stained with vomit is wafting in the pre-fall winds, and we all know what that means. No, not rush,...

Letter to the Editor: 9/8

By Officers of Spectrum
September 7, 2010

Spectrum upset over glory hole story We are highly disappointed, though not surprised, at the Reveille's publication of the Sept. 1 article entitled "Anonymous hook-up hot spots still active on campus"...

Cancel the Apocalypse: It’s time for another American Revolution

By Andrew Robertson
Opinion Editor
September 7, 2010

We've lost faith in our government yet again. All across this great nation, droves of citizens, impassioned with feelings of disgust in their leaders, have made their presence known in public rallies and...

Press X to Not Die: NFL in talks to supplement replay with microchip

By Adam Arinder
Opinion Columnist
September 6, 2010

Referees suck.   There's no point in buttering up that statement. It's a fact. Officials have caused mass frustration and anger among players, coaches and fans alike.   They've also single-handedly...

Make Labor Day a Day On . . . Instead of a Day Off

  For many college students, Labor Day means the end of a summer job (or summer fun), the start of a new school year, and perhaps the kickoff of the college football season. Historically, Labor Day--which...

Don’t Believe the Hype: Higher enrollment: more students, more bicycles, more idiots

By Michael Sandoz
September 2, 2010

Chancellor Michael Martin would like to see the University's enrollment near 32,000. Incoming freshman enrollment is about 5,000 this semester, compared to 4,779 last year.   What does this mean?...

Eat less, learn more: Speaking during class necessitates disciplinary measures

By Matt Lousteau
September 2, 2010

Regardless of your classification, age or major, the classroom is not the place for conversation. And general education classes typically aren't especially thrilling, but this source of boredom shouldn't...

The C-Section: North Gate development kills Baton Rouge’s uniqueness

By Chris Grillot
September 2, 2010

One thing my dad told me when I transferred to the University in spring 2010 was "Chris, since football season's done, you'll be bored in Baton Rouge. I bet you'll be home every weekend." I didn't understand...

Letters to the editor: 9/03/10

September 2, 2010

Burns' column stupid; 'Godzilla' a Japanese problem On Wednesday, columnist Scott Burns made an incomprehensibly stupid and insensitive remark regarding "Godzilla."   He wrote: "For sure, China has...