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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Nietzsche is Dead: Budget cuts are bad, but not the end of the world

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
April 22, 2010

As the editorial page editor, I'm really getting tired of writing about budget cuts.Between staff edits and personal columns, I've had to delve into the bureaucracy and the intricacies of the budget —...


Eat Less, Learn More: Rich tradition of LSU perseveres

By Matt Lousteau
April 22, 2010

Opening in 1860, LSU has endured several closures and changes since its inception. Not even 160 years, 29 different presidents and 7 or more wars could erase the history or some of the traditions of this...

Our View: The Daily Reveille celebrates more than a century of publishing

By The Editorial Board
April 22, 2010

As the University celebrates its 150th birthday, people all over campus are looking back at the long, storied traditions that make this University unique.One of those traditions we're especially proud...

Our view: SG class gift project fee needs to face student vote

April 21, 2010

Amid the confusion and debate surrounding the recent SG elections, a highly controversial issue was relegated to the back burner — the Class Gift Project.Before the election season started, the SG...


Press X to Not Die: AT&T/iPhone monopoly finally has competition

By Adam Arinder
April 21, 2010

I'm tired of Luke Wilson's smug face.I'm tired of hearing about how AT&T covers "97 percent of America" and how "AT&T's got ya covered."I'm tired of seeing Wilson on TV flipping out postcards,...

Age of Delightenment: Foreign language requirement impotent, pointless

By Sara Boyd
April 21, 2010

One of the main reasons I'm majoring in general studies instead of English is the foreign language requirement. I'd need 14-16 hours of a foreign language to graduate with an English degree and creative...

The Grumbling Hive: Students not enjoying college should drop out

By Nathan Shull
April 21, 2010

I headed to Alaska in the summer of 1993 to work on a commercial fishing boat. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning — my heart was not in my studies. I was attending Pacific Lutheran...

Murda, He Wrote: La. herbal incense bill based on flawed drug policies

By Mark Macmurdo
April 19, 2010

We'd all like to think Louisiana is moving forward boldly into the 21st century. But it's clear we are big on talk and small on action when it comes to civil liberties and smart drug policies.Two bills...

Our View: Professor removal debacle more serious than administration allows

April 19, 2010

Last week's complaint by the American Association of University Professors concerning the administration's removal of professor Dominique Homberger from class instruction has sparked a storm of controversy...

The Devil’s Advocate: Don’t make decisions based on groups - do it yourself

By Daniel Morgan
April 19, 2010

Most political arguments follow this syllogism: "Group X deserves high status. Group X would support policy Y. Therefore, we should do Y."For the right wing, X might be big-business, small-town America,...

Cancel the Apocalypse: Divine justice not dignified, action needed now

By Andrew Robertson
April 19, 2010

I watched Zeitgeist recently — that Internet sensation proclaiming our helplessness as human sheeple. We're all controlled by an elite few using religion, fear of our own government and money...

Nietzsche is Dead: Palin makes a good character, but not good leader

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
April 19, 2010

Say it ain't so, Joe. I can see Russia from my house. Thanks but no thanks on that bridge ta' nowhere.If you don't know who said any of these things, you probably don't watch television. It's Sarah Palin,...