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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Murda, He Wrote: La. herbal incense bill based on flawed drug policies

By Mark Macmurdo
April 19, 2010

We'd all like to think Louisiana is moving forward boldly into the 21st century. But it's clear we are big on talk and small on action when it comes to civil liberties and smart drug policies.Two bills...

Our View: Professor removal debacle more serious than administration allows

April 19, 2010

Last week's complaint by the American Association of University Professors concerning the administration's removal of professor Dominique Homberger from class instruction has sparked a storm of controversy...

Letter to the Editor: Gumbo to see payment, ordering changes

April 17, 2010

It is important students know the Gumbo fee has been re-purposed to cover the Gumbo DVD. The hardbound book is no longer covered by the fee, and it now costs $50. The Gumbo DVD is not an option. It will...

Campus-Resident Alien: Why do people want to come to the United States?

By Marcelo Vieira
April 17, 2010

I'm sure everyone has good answers to this question. I certainly have my own good ones, considering I'm an international student from Brazil. But more than trying to explain the reasons why so many people...

Art Without Boundaries: Line between pornography and art is slim, hard to discern

April 17, 2010

There's a thin line between art and just plain crude, but who's to say where that line can be drawn? It has always moved a bit further with each generation. Why can't pornography therefore be a form of...


Nietzsche is Dead: Budget woes treating symptoms, not disease

April 17, 2010

Gov. Bobby Jindal announced this year his budget for this fiscal year included no new cuts to higher education. It seemed like a welcome relief at the time for students and faculty already suffering under...

Letter from the Editor: Social networking prank is learning experience for all

By Nicholas Persac
April 15, 2010

Sometimes student scholars fail a test. Sometimes a student athlete's performance earns only jeers.And sometimes student journalists get it wrong. But whether it's a low score, the crowd's taunts or an...

Letters to the Editor

April 15, 2010

News Editor should be ashamed for Goodman hoaxIn my two years working as an opinion columnist for The Daily Reveille, I took solace in the amount of respectable, responsible writers and columnists who...


Eat Less, Learn More: SG reinforces stereotypes, they’re wasting everything

By Matt Lousteau
April 14, 2010

Blanket statements about groups of people are practically never advisable. But is generalizing about actions taken by a group similarly ill-advised?I ask because SG continues to prove itself a waste of...

Guest Columnist: Fraternities a value to community, where men can thrive

April 14, 2010

  Under the shade of the stately oaks and broad magnolias, there lives a tradition of excellence at Louisiana State University. For 150 years, this institution has sought to educate the brightest...

The Grumbling Hive: Go ahead and smoke dope, just not on my dime

By Nathan Shull
April 14, 2010

Taxes paid by hard-working individuals are funneled to welfare recipients.Welfare programs are necessary, but there are those who abuse and take advantage of the system.House Bill 611 was shelved last...

Letter to the Editor: News editor should be ashamed for Goodman hoax

April 14, 2010

In my two years working as an opinion columnist for The Daily Reveille, I took solace in the amount of respectable, responsible writers and columnists who worked honorably to contribute meaningful content...