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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Nietzsche is Dead: Holding prisoners in America a scary but necessary task

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
November 15, 2009

It's an old political truth that nobody wants a jail in their neighborhood. Mayors and governors that need to find someplace to build a prison can always expect headaches, as citizen groups and their representatives...

View from Another School: Ochocinco’s Twitter account upsets media balance

By Ethan Frigon
Tuft's Daily
November 15, 2009

MEDFORD, Mass. (U-Wire) –– Up to this point in his career, Chad Ochocinco (see: Johnson) has been most well-known for his elaborate — some would say obnoxious — touchdown celebrations...


Factoryhaus: Fame has become America’s most potent of drugs

By Stephen Schmitz
November 15, 2009

"Let your haters be your motivators."While not the most elegant of phrases, my first reaction to this quote from Kandi Burruss of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" was quite like my reaction to Whitney...

Eat Less Learn More: Pop music demonstrates society’s musical ignorance

By Matthew Lousteau
November 12, 2009

Popular music in the late 1960s included musical innovators like The Beatles, The Supremes, The Rolling Stones, The Temptations, Led Zeppelin and Frank Sinatra. I certainly left artists out, but naming...

Letter to the Editor: 11/12/09

November 12, 2009

LSU Systems President John Lombardi is taking every action he can to eliminate the TOPS program for Louisiana students.In an article released by the Associated Press on Monday, Lombardi is stated to regularly...

Age of Delightenment: It’s hard to act classy at bars, but you can do it

By Sara Boyd
November 12, 2009

Editor's note: This column is the second in a four-part series. My mother spent a lot of her time trying to raise a good Southern belle. Seeing how I'm as much my father's daughter as I am hers, she definitely...

Freke Friday: Coens, Clooney, comedy: Serious men stare at goats

By Freke Ette
November 12, 2009

If a successful comedy can be likened to a 95-yard sustained drive toward the end zone, an unsuccessful one would be a kickoff return. The one holds our attention for its entirety — the other ignites...

Press X to not Die: Verizon reveals DROID, attacks AT&T in ads

By Adam Arinder
November 12, 2009

Commercials are something I usually try to avoid like the plague or a physics test. The only time these ads are worth watching is during the Super Bowl.Most shows wind up recorded on my DVR, but there...

Murda, He Wrote: Tea parties steeped in ridiculousness, not Revolution

By Mark Macmurdo
November 12, 2009

If you've been watching the "mainstream media," you probably haven't heard about the second Revolution crossing this nation from sea to shining sea. These modern-day Sons of Liberty may be a bit more grumpy...

Knowledge versus wisdom

By Russell Witham, Viewpoint Editor
November 10, 2009

A few weeks ago, I wrote a column discussing the ineffectiveness of many administrative positions and complained about the resources those positions cost the University. My argument hinged on the thought...

Show All Comments: Should minimum wage be abolished, raised?

With the economy in its current tenuous state, economists are considering radical alternatives to traditional policies and understandings of the way the economy functions. For example, some economists...

Nietzsche is dead: Don’t let fear turn America against Islamic faith

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
November 10, 2009

If religions could use help in anything, it's the public relations department.Nobody knows this better than Muslim Americans, who once again find themselves in the spotlight after the horrible tragedy...