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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Cartoon || November 12, 2009

By Mack Garrison, senior in art and design
November 10, 2009

All-nighters: the anti-Christmas.

Burns After Reading: Representative democracy doesn’t work for BCS, USA

By Scott Burns
November 10, 2009

This might not be the best week to write about that vile, vindictive whore that is college football.But in light of the tragedy that took place this weekend, let's take a trip to Imagination Land and just...

Knowledge versus wisdom

By Russell Witham, Viewpoint Editor
November 10, 2009

A few weeks ago, I wrote a column discussing the ineffectiveness of many administrative positions and complained about the resources those positions cost the University. My argument hinged on the thought...

Show All Comments: Should minimum wage be abolished, raised?

With the economy in its current tenuous state, economists are considering radical alternatives to traditional policies and understandings of the way the economy functions. For example, some economists...

Analog Avenger: America’s taste in music needs a bit more variety

By Jack Johnson
November 9, 2009

American Indians struggled during their assimilation into white, "civilized" culture. Difficulty articulating their native emotions using English words was among their many growing pains. How many pearls...

Freeman of Speech: Cao’s “Aye” vote likely to abort his political career

By Eric Freeman Jr.
November 9, 2009

"Bipartisan" health care legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives last Saturday. The quotes are necessary. This historic achievement was a result of a single Republican vote by a representative...

Letter to the Editor: 11/10/09

November 9, 2009

Though I agree with Nathan Schull's point that our world is in desperate need of strong climate change reform, I very much disagree with his view that the way to solve this global climate crisis is through...

Juxtaposed Notions: Facebook oversharers need serious reality check

By Linnie Leavines
November 9, 2009

I never realized how many people I hated until I joined Facebook.Sure, it's a social networking site. I understand you're going to post information about yourself. But there are some things I never want...

Nietzsche is dead: TV coverage of local elections blown out of proportion

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
November 8, 2009

For those of you who missed it, last Tuesday was a big night.It was Election Night in America, the court of public opinion was in session and the jury of American voters went to the polls to pass judgment...

Letter to the Editor: 11/09/09

November 8, 2009

Health Care bill long out of necessity On Saturday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962). This piece of legislation has repeatedly been criticized...

The Grumbling Hive: What happens to Santa’s house when North Pole melts?

By Nathan Shull
November 8, 2009

Standing watch on the USCGC Polar Sea as we sailed toward the Arctic pack ice, I was introduced to global warming and the retreat of the polar ice cap. Perhaps I had heard of it before 1994. But the beautiful,...

FactoryHaus: Thoughtful planning isn’t the same thing as dithering

By Stephen Schmitz
November 8, 2009

Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy once said, "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."Well, critics of President Obama say that by taking too much time out to plan the next phase of the war in...