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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Freeman of Speech: Would La. black men be better off with Kim Jong-Il?

By Eric Freeman Jr.
September 21, 2009

Would you rather be a black man in New Orleans or a citizen of North Korea? Setting aside the lack of rights and the whole God/president/supreme nut job thing, the two groups live, on average, just as...

Former President Jimmy Carter looks on during his 28th annual town hall meeting at Emory University in Atlanta, Wednesday, September 16, 2009. Carter answered questions from Emory students on the topics of President Barack Obama, healthcare reform and the middle east.

Nietzsche is Dead: Carter’s claims of racism toward Obama are unfounded

By Matthew Albright
Opinion Editor
September 20, 2009

If there's one job that's hard to retire from, it's got to be the presidency.Whether it's the luxuries of the White House residence, the deluxe accommodations on Air Force One or everybody standing up...

Factoryhaus: Common decency is officially dead in this country

By Stephen Schmitz
September 20, 2009

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — It was the outburst heard around the world. From the halls of Congress to the millions of Americans watching their televisions, Rep. Joe Wilson's accusation rocked the political...

Letter to the Editor: 9/21/09

September 20, 2009

Night in Tiger Stadium insulting, unsatisfying I was a guest at the ULL vs. LSU game last Saturday. This was an experience of a lifetime, but a very unpleasant one. Of course I was wearing red and screaming...

View From Another School: America losing the capability for mass social movements

By Kevin Swanson
The Heights, Boston College
September 20, 2009

Last weekend's "Tea Party Protest" of conservative activists in Washington, D.C., provided another example of the growing trend toward the loss of popular social movements in the United States. Despite...

In this film publicity image released by Focus features, the characters, from left, #9, voiced by Elijah Wood, #7, voiced by Jennifer Connelly, and #5, voiced by John C. Reilly shown in a scene from the animated film, "9."

Freke Friday: Acker’s “9” elevates imagery above characterization or plot

September 17, 2009

The day after tomorrow is a motif in literature and films. From the Bible in Genesis 8, where a dove returns to Noah with an olive branch following the Great Flood, to Will Smith's last man on Earth in...

Letter to the Editor: 9/18/09

September 17, 2009

Leavines' artcile on Vector Marketing misleading I could tell by reading the headline to Linnie Leavines' article Tuesday on Vector Marketing that I was about to read some mistaken information that Vector...

The Grumbling Hive: Increase of public defense funding necessary

By Nathan Shull
September 17, 2009

Have you ever considered the cost of your constitutional rights? Do you take them for granted? We say our freedom has been purchased by the blood of patriots, but what about the cost of our constitutional...

Letter to the Editor: 9/17/09

September 16, 2009

Debate over majors lacks respect, reason In response to Jonathan Alexanders' Letter to the Editor: "Engineering majors are superior" For being able to put together such a solid argument, you come off as...

Murda, He Wrote: Jindal, why won’t you build the train to somewhere?

By Mark Macmurdo
September 16, 2009

After years of speculation and frustration, South Louisiana residents finally have something to be excited about — the state now has a potential financier who will pony up the $300 million needed...

Press X To Not Die: Music-rhythm games get people of all ages rockin’

By Adam Arinder
September 16, 2009

It's not every day you get to see Grandma playing a video game.It's also not every day you get to watch Grandma rock out to the Gorillaz or Slayer either.Fortunately — or unfortunately — for...


Age of Delightenment: Kanye West should mind his manners, business

By Sara Boyd
September 16, 2009

Dear Kanye,Sunday night, you ruined poor Taylor Swift's big MTV Video Music Awards moment. You jumped onstage in the middle of her acceptance speech for Best Female Video, yanked the microphone out of...