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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Devil’s Advocate: Unconditional love neither feasible nor desirable

By Daniel Morgan
September 15, 2009

The ideal of unconditional love calls to mind parents coursing with oxytocin and other feel-good hormones cooing over their newborn offspring, ready to sacrifice anything for their genetic extension to...

Our View: Tiger Trails gives students better bus service

September 15, 2009

Since its introduction this semester, the campus community has been eager to see whether the new bus system would be any improvement from the beleaguered CATS system.The change seems to be a hit to the...

Let’s Rally — later

By Russell Witham, Viewpoint Editor
September 15, 2009

There has been a lot of talk recently about renovating Talley Student Center.A complete overhaul might be a more appropriate term for what the modernist-ugly piece of junk needs, but we'll go with renovation...

Cartoon | September 17, 2009

By Mack Garrison, Staff Cartoonist
September 15, 2009

Yep, Jerry Maguire had the best question regarding University budget cuts.

Burns After Reading: Facebook displays true freedumb of speech

By Scott Burns
September 15, 2009

The more I watch the Discovery Channel, the more I feel like I'm watching the latest season of "The Real World."The similarities between man and beast are, in many ways, uncanny. And the more I see wild...

Letter to the Editor: 9/16/09

September 15, 2009

"Underage drinking" laws useless, absurd September 12, 1988. September 13, 1988. They were seemingly innocuous consecutive dates in the late 1980s. Not much changed between them. Reagan was still president,...

Letters to the Editor: 09/15/09

September 14, 2009

Coastal erosion needs immediate new solutionsI'm ashamed to admit that before I read Mike Tidwell's book on the subject, Bayou Farewell, I was not aware of the extent of the problem of coastal erosion,...

Freeman of Speech: Landrieu worse for Dems than Vitter for GOP

By Eric Freeman Jr.
September 14, 2009

Two people represent Louisiana in the United States Senate.One is a lying backstabber who sacrifices constituents' best interests by caring more about money than the voices of the people.The other cheated...

Juxtaposed Notions: Vector Marketing’s chalkboard advertisments misleading

By Linnie Leavines
September 14, 2009

If you've ever seen an advertisement on campus for a student job boasting $15 per hour and you thought it was too good to be true, then you were right.These advertisements, which are often scribbled in...

Philadelphia Eagles’ Donovan McNabb (5) grimaces after being injured in the third quarter against the Carolina Panthers during a game in Charlotte on Sunday.

McNabb status uncertain for Sunday’s Saints game

By The Associated Press
September 14, 2009

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Donovan McNabb once played four quarters on a broken ankle. A cracked rib can't keep him out.Can it?"He's pretty sore," coach Andy Reid said Monday. "He's going to try and battle...

Analog Avenger: Today’s big name videogames mile wide, inch deep

By Jack Johnson
September 14, 2009

I already had an impressive resume by age 10.I'd won at least six NBA championships with as many teams. I could fly four different kinds of starships across the cosmic abyss. I knocked out Mike Tyson.I...

Factoryhaus: People under poverty level deserve respect, too

By Stephen Schmitz
September 13, 2009

Let's face it: the vast majority of college students decide to attend college to obtain a decently paying job after school.Yes, some are here for more noble reasons — maybe to better themselves or...