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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



(Bi)Partisan View: Mounting trophy wives is a difficult but fun game

By Isabel Blum
April 2, 2009

When planning a hunting trip, the individual must choose what to hunt. Ducks, deer and quail are often the booty hunters score. But there's another game hunted, another booty scored. Scoring women is a...

Saved by the Belle: Matchmaking, online dating acts of desperation

By Drew Belle Zerby
April 2, 2009

The human race has become more desperate than ever.Not since "Fiddler on the Roof" have matchmakers been so hot.More than 1,500 matchmakers and at least 1,000 online dating services are in the U.S., according...

Letters to the Editor

April 2, 2009

Morgan's child labor column lacks logicUnfortunately, like most "economists" of the day, Morgan fails to realize life is not played out on paper.Has Morgan traveled to a country plagued by poverty and...

Letter to the editor: April 2

April 1, 2009

Many are upset about the budget cuts Louisiana universities are experiencing; however, I have not heard much more than complaining. If we really care about what happens to higher education in Louisiana,...

Juxtaposed Notions: Second Life benefits commerce, aids networking

By Linnie Leavines
April 1, 2009

Second Life is an online social networking community, one which allows you to buy virtual property, sell virtual clothes, network with other users and act out impossible fantasies — all through a...

Burns after reading: Frat broskies offer the story of a lost generation

By Scott Burns
April 1, 2009

In the past two years of my college experience, only one particular group of people has genuinely disturbed me.Frat boys.Generally speaking, a frat boy is any Greek member who invests his entire identity...

Murda, he wrote: New policies necessary today to avoid nuclear future

By Mark Macmurdo
April 1, 2009

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE  — Saturday marked the 30th anniversary of the Three Mile Island incident, the largest American nuclear disaster, resulting in a partial core meltdown, nuclear contamination...

Our View: Tell President Lombardi what you think about budget cuts

March 31, 2009

Chancellor Michael Martin told The Daily Reveille on Tuesday that the University has drafted more than nine different scenarios to deal with the $45 million budget cut this campus is staring down.Last...

Nietzsche Is Dead: Debaptism an insult, not defense of religious rights

By Matthew Albright
March 31, 2009

For many Christians, baptism is one of the most sacred ceremonies in which a person can participate.Baptism is a symbol of a person's acceptance of the faith, a way of publicly affirming their beliefs. ...

Louisianimal: A black guy, a Mexican and an Arab walk into a bar

By Daniel Lumetta
Opinion Editor
March 31, 2009

Comedian Katt Williams, speaking of then-Sen. Barack Obama, got me thinking about whether racial humor is an oxymoron:"…If you was ever gonna vote for a nigga, this is the nigga to vote for," Williams...

Burns After Reading: Missouri thought police confirm: I’m a terrorist

By Scott Burns
March 31, 2009

It's official: I, Scott Burns, am a terrorist.Don't take my word for it. Just ask the Missouri Department of Public Safety.In a report issued in February, Missouri authorities determined virtually any...

Freeman of Speech: Unity ’09, One Voice ’09 betray tickets for political gain

By Eric Freeman Jr.
March 30, 2009

Student Government elections are all about empty promises and bogus campaign tactics.Most of the empty promises I can live with. I didn't actually expect SG  President Colorado Robertson to follow...