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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Juxtaposed Notions: President Obama’s overexposure reveals insecurities

By Linnie Leavines
March 30, 2009

President Obama's series of televised appearances has done precisely what is was designed to do. It distracted America from the crisis at hand and marketed the president's policies to a jaded, skeptical...

Freeman of Speech: Unity ’09, One Voice ’09 betray tickets for political gain

By Eric Freeman Jr.
March 30, 2009

Student Government elections are all about empty promises and bogus campaign tactics.Most of the empty promises I can live with. I didn't actually expect SG  President Colorado Robertson to follow...

Metairie’s Finest: We’d be nothing without our usual inconsistencies

By Travis Andrews
March 29, 2009

We are nothing, if not inconsistent.Racial diversity has been a talking point in America since it's conception. In today's pop culture, the lack of racial diversity often muses up article after scholarly...

Our View: Gov. Jindal needs to reauthorize LA Swift bus service

By Editorial Board
March 29, 2009

Seventy or so miles doesn't seem much to a man with his own motorcade.But for many Baton Rouge residents with jobs in New Orleans, it's a lifetime away.In his 2009-2010 executive budget, Gov. Bobby Jindal...

In this June 26, 2008 file photo, then Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., left, talks with General Motors Chairman Rick Wagoner during an economic discussion in Pittsburgh. Wagoner will step down immediately at the request of the White House, administration officials said Sunday. The news comes as President Obama prepares to unveil additional restructuring efforts designed to save the domestic auto industry.

Walk Hard: Economic downturn makes the country better

By Drew Walker
March 29, 2009

The economic crisis is being portrayed as the end of the world as we know it.It has supplanted the war in Iraq — where American soldiers still die — as the biggest problem facing President...

Perfect Dystopia: School segregation re-enforces gender stereotypes

By Dini Parayitam
March 29, 2009

The U.S. education system is in such a desperate condition that it is moving backward to mitigate its circumstances.Girls, less than 50 years ago, especially in Louisiana, fought to attend the same schools...

Common Cents: Chivalry? A sandwich isn’t going to make itself

By Daniel Morgan
March 29, 2009

Whenever the demon of nostalgia rears its nauseating head, it's only a matter of time before someone points out "chivalry is dead."The next time this happens, stop whatever you're doing, look them in the...

The Peanut Gallery: Should women be allowed outside of the home?

March 26, 2009

Columnist Dini Parayitam wrote Tuesday about the modern woman's role in the workplace and at home. Given the overwhelming feedback, we devoted an entire column for as many responses as we could fit. Here's...

(Bi)Partisan View: Gays are found in the wild – leaping lesbian lizards

By Isabel Blum
March 26, 2009

When God felt the earth was corrupt, He told Noah to build an ark. In the ark, Noah would take his family.And a male and female of every creature on Earth — and Noah thought he had. But he was mistaken.Slithering...

Letters to the Editor

March 26, 2009

Open letter to newly elected graduate school representativesThe new executive board and half of the new senate is comprised wholly of chemical engineering students. While everyone was fairly elected, this...

Louisianimal: Sex column hinders paper’s credibility, averts liability

By Daniel Lumetta
Opinion Editor
March 26, 2009

A University of Montana law professor is looking to the state legislature to establish written policies for hiring student employees at the its student newspaper, the Montana Kaimin.Assistant law professor...

Burns After Reading: Republicans should focus on spending, not earmarks

By Scott Burns
March 25, 2009

Trying to explain earmarks to Republican diplomats must be like Oscar Nunez from "The Office" giving financial advice to Michael Scott: "Your mommy and daddy give you $10 to open up a lemonade stand. So...