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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Our View: Recent Student Government progress must continue

By Editorial Board
March 22, 2009

Five tickets have campaigned for the past few weeks to see who will be the new leaders of Student Government.The tickets have all laid out their various ideas and suggestions for reaching the common goal...

Letters to the Editor: Faith vs. Reason or Faith in Reason

March 22, 2009

He may not consider it a virtue, but I would like to propose to Daniel Morgan that his world view, too, is based on faith.Morgan claimed we should only accept as true things that are "logically consistent...

Burns After Reading and Nietzsche is Dead: Like God, Santa Claus and his elves aren’t impossible

For centuries, mankind has asked the same question: Does God exist?Last Wednesday, Daily Reveille columnist Daniel Morgan tried to present logical and scientific platforms against the concept of God.Yet...

Juxtaposed Notions: Proposed BR loop will not help traffic problems

By Linnie Leavines
March 22, 2009

Anyone who has driven through Baton Rouge during rush hour will agree we need to revamp our clogged interstates and backlogged exit ramps.The Capitol Area Expressway Authority (CAEA) — composed of...

View from Another School: Michael Jordan is going to save our economy

By Scott Green
University of Illinois
March 19, 2009

(UWIRE) — I have a plan for fixing the economy that involves Michael Jordan, so Michael, please contact me at your earliest convenience.The idea struck me a few weeks ago when I had dinner at a Chicago...

The Peanut Gallery: Are Tibetans justified in seeking independence?

March 19, 2009

Tibetans last week commemorated the 50th anniversary of an uprising against China, which led the Dalai Lama to flee to India and the Chinese government to reassert its sovereignty over the territory. From...

Our View: Legislature should override $100 million Jindal refused

March 19, 2009

By any measure, these are tough times.With Louisiana facing massive budget reductions — cuts that are hitting especially close to home with college students — it seems wise to accept any money...

Letter to the Editor

March 19, 2009

Walker's gerrymandering editorial devoid of historical factI agree with the Drew Walker's basic premise in his editorial on gerrymandering: heavy-handed use of the practice is generally not such a good...

(Bi)Partisan View: Don’t ask, don’t count – discriminatory census worthless

By Isabel Blum
March 19, 2009

The information gathered from the census is necessary for research in sociology, economics and business marketing as well as the appropriate apportioning of federal funding. Unfortunately, the 2010 census...

Murda, He Wrote: More pain at the pump, please: Gas prices dangerously low

By Mark Macmurdo
March 18, 2009

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE — When gas prices broke $4 per gallon last summer, a media monsoon was unleashed during a presidential campaign in full swing. Talks about America's long-term energy policy...

Letter to the Editor: Burns wrong about Sleep in a Box

March 18, 2009

The mission of Sleep in a Box is to raise awareness and funds for homeless adolescents through school spirit and community involvement.  Being the co-founder of this event, I was baffled when I read...

Athletics are not a waste

By Benton Sawrey
Senior Staff Columnist
March 18, 2009

The notion that athletics are a wasteful entity of a university is borderline absurd. Football, basketball and every other sport on campus are invaluable assets to our University that should be supported...