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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Murda, He Wrote: America’s beef industry still a jungle, needs reform

By Mark Macmurdo
March 25, 2009

AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE  — A cold war is being waged between the U.S. and the European Union. The weapons of choice? Beef and cheese.Since the late '80s, a sore spot has existed in trade relations...

Burns After Reading: Republicans should focus on spending, not earmarks

By Scott Burns
March 25, 2009

Trying to explain earmarks to Republican diplomats must be like Oscar Nunez from "The Office" giving financial advice to Michael Scott: "Your mommy and daddy give you $10 to open up a lemonade stand. So...

Letter to the Editor: ECO@LSU presents ‘Climate Change and La’

"Like all great universities, LSU continues to work to address global climate change. Finally I can breathe a sigh of relief." These are the words of Chancellor Martin.ECO@LSU has long asked the University...

Nietzsche Is Dead: Read with caution – blogs are destroying cities

By Matthew Albright
March 25, 2009

It's a well-documented trend that bloggers are becoming increasingly powerful.These Web-warriors, whose personal thoughts and opinions are posted online and viewed by increasing numbers of political junkies,...

Letter from the Editor: Blame your parents – not the investment banks

March 25, 2009

A global crisis has been unwinding for more than a year now. Our media blames the banks who bet on our real estate market with money they didn't have. This led to the current economic situation. I don't...

Saved by the Belle: College students not likely to recover from recession

By Drew Belle Zerby
March 25, 2009

We're not Generation Y. We're not the Information Generation either. We're not even Generation OMG, as The New York Times writer Kate Zernike so cleverly coined.We're Generation OMFG — because classmates,...

Our View: Funding formula should be clear to taxpayers, students

March 25, 2009

Student Government President Colorado Robertson is unhappy with a complicated formula under consideration by the state Board of Regents.It's unclear whether Robertson's discontent is justified.The officials...

Walk Hard: Government exerts tyrannical force over AIG bonuses

By Drew Walker
March 25, 2009

The revelation that some executives from embattled insurance company AIG received seven-figure bonuses dominated the news cycle last week. Upon learning of the bonuses, President Barack Obama told Treasury...

Perfect Dystopia: Women would benefit from returning to their place at home

By Dini Parayitam
March 23, 2009

Boys, imagine your worst day ever. You wake up early for a useless class with a hangover from the night before, and it only worsens when you realize you have an English paper and a calculus test.But this...

Letters to the Editor

March 23, 2009

Groovin' concert missed the pointI am last year's director of Students on Target. I do not write this letter with intent to create controversy or debate, but rather to fulfill a personal responsibility.I...

Metairie’s Finest: We hold power to stop Ticketmaster’s exploitation

By Travis Andrews
March 23, 2009

Imagine this.You're an ingenious, young business owner who essentially has a monopoly on your particular product.For the sake of argument, you sell coffins.Everyone needs one at some point.And for the...

Our View: Recent Student Government progress must continue

By Editorial Board
March 22, 2009

Five tickets have campaigned for the past few weeks to see who will be the new leaders of Student Government.The tickets have all laid out their various ideas and suggestions for reaching the common goal...