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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Moodle problems plague students in first quarter

By Matthew Gravens
September 29, 2008

Now that we're four weeks into school, most students have had to deal with Moodle — our very own Modular Object-Oriented Distant Learning Environment. Whether they are printing out notes, practice...

State legislator comes up with ‘modest proposal’

By Matthew Albright
September 28, 2008

My first semester at the University, I took an English class in which we studied a work by the great satirist Jonathan Swift, titled "A Modest Proposal." In this piece, Swift proposes to fix the high...

Shaq is greater than Jindal

By Tyler Batiste
September 28, 2008

In the second quarter of Saturday's game, the student section broke into loud applause and cheered wildly for someone roaming the sidelines near the north end zone.A crowd of security guards surrounded...

Corruption not all bad where University is concerned

By Matt McEntire
September 28, 2008

It's not easy to say a corrupt leader is a good thing; in modern society it has become reprehensible.But all you have to do is take a walk around the University's campus to see positive results of corruption.As...

Our View: Consultant leaves University without answers

By The Editorial Board
September 28, 2008

University students rely on bus service everyday.The University is a walking campus, after all, and some students rely on buses to avoid long hikes to class from their parked cars. But dissatisfaction...

Letter to the editor

September 28, 2008

Thank you for your recent coverage of transportation issues; the bike and traffic construction articles are highly appreciated.  However, I have a few critical points regarding the recent article...

Google’s search superiority makes it invaluable

By Gregory Schultz
September 25, 2008

Is it possible to live a week without Google?Absolutely not.Google is involved in many of our lives.  Some use Gmail as their main email provider while others have replaced Microsoft Office Word and...

Time to bring back the ‘Oh Wee Oh’ football song, chant

By The Editorial Board
September 25, 2008

Editor's note: This editorial contains language that may be offensive to some people.The student section at LSU's most recent home game against North Texas sent a strong message to the band and the school's...

Letter to the Editor

September 25, 2008

I find it quite puzzling that Whitfield has an article that criticizes students for not praying enough, while Whitfield has no real backing as to why prayer is beneficial. Whitfield states "students should...

‘Ghostbusters’ makes case for nuanced comedy

By Freke Ette
September 25, 2008

About 15 years ago, I stumbled on a cache of film books —  illustrated books based on popular films and TV shows. I can only remember two of those books now: one of them had those voluptuous...

The Politics of Grammar

By Daniel McBride
Managing Editor
September 25, 2008

When an author sits down to write, he must make certain decisions. Wait, I mean: She must make  certain decisions. No, that's not correct. He or she must make certain decisions. I think.They must...

Facebook, MySpace not real intimacy

By Skylar Gremillion
September 25, 2008

Intimacy is a daunting and cumbersome topic. For most people, intimacy is associated with sexual activities. In a more general sense, intimacy is an abstract measure of proximity — both physical...