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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Facebook, MySpace not real intimacy

By Skylar Gremillion
September 25, 2008

Intimacy is a daunting and cumbersome topic. For most people, intimacy is associated with sexual activities. In a more general sense, intimacy is an abstract measure of proximity — both physical...

Letter to the editor

September 23, 2008

One good result of LSU's Easy Streets initiative, besides the reduction in traffic accidents and parking tickets mentioned in recent articles, is an obvious increase in biking on campus, and I hope the...


Forget political analysis, look at cookie recipes

By Nate Monroe
September 23, 2008

When "lipstick on a pig" and "sexism" appear in the same presidential campaign advertisement, it's safe to conclude the silly season of the presidential race has begun — assuming, of course, you...

Religious garb under microscope in police force

By Matthew Albright
September 23, 2008

A Philadelphia policewoman is suing the government, claiming that it has infringed upon her religious rights.  This time, the government is doing it appropriately.  Kimberlie Webb, who converted...

Hurricanes assist in bashing government process

By Matthew Gravens
September 23, 2008

Since Hurricane Gustav tore through southeast Louisiana, the  FEMA and the Louisiana Department of Social Services has started a emergency food stamp program to help people affected by the storm....

SG votes on important, but overlooked amendments

By The Editorial Board
September 23, 2008

At tonight's Student Government Senate meeting, Senators will vote on amendments to two of their governing documents — the SG Constitution and the SG Bylaws. While making revisions to framing documents...

Illegal immigration will have effect on electoral votes

By Daniel Lumetta
September 23, 2008

Amid lipstick smears and distortions from both presidential candidates, a forgotten issue that was once the biggest concern of this election cycle has largely faded from public consciousness — illegal...

Uncle Sam denied

Nasty Nate: Uncle Sam denied

September 22, 2008

Students need to lean more on prayer

By Kyle Whitfield
September 21, 2008

Three weeks into the semester, stress is starting to run high for most students as exams begin and projects are assigned. Usually the days don't seem long enough.With school in full force, students should...

Our View: Rowe’s comments on ESPN inappropriate, offensive

By The Editorial Board
September 21, 2008

Rowe's comment inappropriate, offensiveThe Editorial BoardThis Board — like the student body — is delighted with LSU's 26-21 victory against Auburn in Saturday's game.  The comeback LSU...


Twenty-four hours of fair and balanced torture

By Elliott Brown
September 21, 2008

Fox News is about as fair and balanced as a train derailment.But that doesn't mean it can't be entertaining in a "slowing down while passing a car crash" kind of way.This weekend I borrowed a concept from...

Corruption alive and well in Landrieu

By Matt McEntire
September 21, 2008

Landrieu earned her position of prominence when she accepted what CREW called a bribe from the D.C. lobbying firm O'Connor & Hannon, which Voyager Learning Company cofounder and CEO Randy Best hired...