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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



A Word from Student Media: LEGACY magazine announces changes for print, online

By LEGACY Editor September 4, 2012

“Hi, I’m a reporter from LSU’s student magazine, LEGACY.” “What is it?” This is all too familiar for the editorial staff of LEGACY, the University’s quarterly,...

Reveille Radio reporter Devan Fuselier reads the day's news for the 4:20 p.m. broadcast Monday afternoon in the KLSU Studio.

Reveille Convergence: Reveille multimedia outlets strive for visibility, changes

By Olivia Gordon August 21, 2012

As The Daily Reveille’s new Radio Director, I came into my new position well aware of the section’s legacy of anonymity. Reveille Radio only started in the past decade, making it a relatively...

Former LSU cornerback Tyrann Mathieu, 7, celebrates after his touchdown from a recovered fumble Saturday October 11, 2011 in Tiger Stadium.

LSU Athletics Department lacks transparency

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board August 19, 2012

We get chills watching the sun disappear behind the west grandstand in Tiger Stadium, but we cringe when people only recognize LSU as a football titan. We can’t wait to walk through the Death Valley...

Former LSU System President John Lombardi discusses the allocation of state and tuition dollars to LSU operations Friday, March 16, 2012 at the Board of Supervisors meeting in the LSU Systems Building.

Our View: Lombardi’s termination a byproduct of poor leadership, nasty bureaucracy

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board April 30, 2012

Call it a coup d’etat, call it a mutiny, call it an overthrow. That’s what LSU System President John Lombardi, who is known for his harsh bluntness, would have called it — until it...

Our View: Groovin should drop hollow anti-alcohol message

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board March 25, 2012

Minutes after Ludacris finished thrilling a fired-up crowd Saturday with a string of his biggest hits, members of Students on Target took the Groovin’ on the Grounds stage to send the audience off...

Our View: Baton Rouge bars must justify their discrimination

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board February 14, 2012

No one had to read about the recent incident at Punchers Sports Bar to know discrimination is rampant amid Baton Rouge nightlife. When LSU law student Jasmin Hughes was denied entrance to Punchers because...

Force drop policy for all

By Technician Editorial Staff
February 28, 2011

Facts: The force drop policy automatically kicks all students out of the class when they do not attend the first two days of class at the beginning of the school year. Student can stay in the class if...

Let the campus community regulate the tunnel

By Technician Editorial Staff
February 8, 2011

The Facts: In October 2010, graffiti was painted over a GLBT event's paintings and in November, another racially offensive painting was found. Groups reacted with protests and forums were held to discuss...

Strict campaign finance regulation a must

By Technician Editorial Board
March 6, 2010

THE FACTS: After the window for submitting to run for office in the upcoming spring elections closes at 5 p.m., candidates will be set to campaign starting two weeks prior to elections April 6.OUR OPINION:...

Reapportionment matters for students

By Technician Editorial Board
February 25, 2010

THE FACTS: The 2010 Census and Student Senate reapportionment proposal provide students with two opportunites to make sure they are represented in their legislative bodies.


Make meal equivalencies more palatable to wallets

By Technician Editorial Board
November 18, 2009

THE FACTS: University Dining allows students to use their meal plans to cover $4.25, $5.00 and $5.25 for breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively, at non-dining hall locations. OUR OPINION: While this...

Embrace ‘Lowe’ expectations

By Technician Editorial Board
November 10, 2009

THE FACTS: Basketball season tips off tonight at 7 p.m., with the men's basketball team predicted to finish last in the ACC. OUR OPINION: Be prepared to be surprised. Despite the disappointment of last...