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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



$100 student surcharge has no place among Iowa university budget cuts

By By the Quad-City Times Editorial Board November 9, 2009

Iowa's state universities are reacting swiftly and comprehensively to the sadly predictable news of the state's revenue shortfall. When Iowans are making less and shopping less, the revenue derived from...

Serious choices for the 71st

By From the Quad-City Times Editorial Board November 9, 2009

U.S. Rep. Mike Boland made his lieutenant governor aspirations official this week, and we wish him luck. Boland has been eyeing the spot since at least 2001 and faces a tough challenge. His exit has...

A heavy lesson

By From the Quad-City Times Editorial Board November 9, 2009

More powerful than a locomotive. That Superman-esque achievement also works for Quad-City high school students, whose 347 tons of food collected this year exceed the weight of two locomotives. Picture...

‘No Child’ defines nothing but failure

By The Quad-City Times Editorial Board November 9, 2009

No Child Left Behind test scores are out in Illinois and the results are tiredly the same. Failure, failure, failure. We've lamented this before (More children left behind," our Sept. 17 editorial...

Take a rain check on Rally4Talley

September 15, 2009

THE FACTS: University administrators are pushing an $83 fee to pay for renovating and expanding Talley Student Center, which is to be included within the estimated maximum increase of $102.30 for student...

Go get your money’s worth

September 8, 2009

THE FACTS: With the Sept. 15 deadline for filing for appropriations funds, only four student organizations have completed the application process.

OUR OPINION: This is a rare chance for students...

Let’s perfect our library system

By Jake Goldbas
Staff Columnist
July 28, 2009

I have some library findings and suggestions that could make our lives easier. For one, DH Hill circulates books to all of the satellite libraries on campus. So if you need a book from DH Hill and you...

Don’t judge terror suspects — let justice work

July 28, 2009

THE FACTS: The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested two students in connection with five others on charges of supporting terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder. 

OUR OPINION: Students...

Give students more details on new division

March 28, 2009

OUR OPINION: This new division is a surprise that seems more of a hasty decision than a carefully planned strategy.The chancellor announced the creation of the Campus Enterprises Division Thursday. The...

Student body candidates need to show their faces

March 18, 2009

OUR OPINION: Candidates need both a substantive platform and engaging campaign to get students to care enough to vote.The campaign season for various Student Government offices opened two weeks ago. Yet...

Put more blood drive information online

January 21, 2009

OUR OPINION: While the increasing numbers are a good sign, more could be done to inform students about upcoming blood drive locations and eligibility.Blood drives are a regular site on campus, with at...

What to look forward to in 2009

December 6, 2008

OUR OPINION: With the new year comes new resolutions. But since there are no guarantees with resolutions, it's good to have something to depend on in 2009.With exams slated for this week and the next,...