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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


Art & Theater

Artist, David Losavio produces live painting during the art show on Wednesday, August 19, 2015, at the Varsity Theater.

Local artists shine with POP! Art Smart Show

By Grayson Senner – The Daily Reveille August 24, 2015

When local artist Neda Parandian discovered her colleagues were not able to find work, she knew it was time for a change in the Baton Rouge art community. After realizing the poor statistics for Louisiana...

Southern architect A. Hays Town's personal art supply box sits on display on Wednesday, July 29. 2015, in Louisiana's Old State Capitol.

Old State Capitol holds exhibit of A. Hays Town works

By Zoe Geauthreaux July 29, 2015

If you grew up in Baton Rouge, you may recall your parents pointing out homes throughout the city made by a “Mr. Town.” For “The Enduring Architecture of A. Hays Town” curator Lauren...

Holly Stone-Barker will be teaching her methods to make collages at The Red Shoes located on Government Street on Aug. 1 from 10 a.m. to noon. 

Illustrator shows the complexity of collage making

By Riley Katz July 29, 2015

Illustrator Holly Stone-Barker said she has always been an artist, but seeing a Matisse retrospective exhibit at the Smithsonian, having a teacher help her tap into her passion for art and living in the...

The Art exhibit “Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami” is being held at The Louisiana Art and Science Museum’s from July 11, 2015 to September 27, 2015 and it shows the dynamic nature of the evolving art form and its applications in modern day science.

Exhibit shows dynamic nature of modern origami

By Morgan Prewitt July 27, 2015

Many people around the world have heard the story of Sadako Sasaki, the Japanese atomic bombing victim who folded a thousand paper cranes with the hope of being granted a wish for a cure to her leukemia. Although...

Red Hot

Red Hot Art Show 2015 features art on all things hot

By Riley Katz July 22, 2015

The Red Hot Art Show 2015 features local artists pieces centering around nothing but heat. The exhibition is the River Region Art Association’s yearly informal art exhibition that takes place in...

Review: 'Maybe in Another Life'

Review: ‘Maybe in Another Life’

By Taylor Wiley July 15, 2015

I’ve written before about how much I hate rom-coms and their recycled plot lines, but for some reason, when they come in the form of young adult novels, I’m all for it. So call me a hypocrite,...

"Moon Rabbit (aka Buddha Bunny)" by artist Therese Knowles sits in the LSU School of Art Alfred C. Glassell Jr. Exhibition Gallery in the Shaw Center for the Arts, as part of the "Into the Mystic" art show.

LSU School of Art hosts magic-themed art exhibition featuring local artists

By Zoe Geauthreaux July 13, 2015

Enter a world of local magical realism as the LSU School of Art hosts its 14th Annual Summer Invitational Art Exhibition, “Into the Mystic.” Held in the LSU School of Art Alfred C. Glassell...