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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Microsoft resorts to first layoffs, cutting 5,000 – 12 p.m.

By Associated Press
January 22, 2009

SEATTLE (AP) — Microsoft Corp. said Thursday it is cutting 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months — more than 5 percent of its work force — a sign of how badly even the biggest and richest...

Victim of Virginia Tech slaying was decapitated – 12 p.m.

By Associated Press
January 22, 2009

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — Virginia Tech Police say a female graduate student from China who was killed on campus was decapitated with a kitchen knife. Police on Thursday identified the victim of the...

Budget concerns highlight meeting

By Ryan Buxton
Contributing Writer
January 22, 2009

The University's budget cuts pervaded nearly every issue discussed at the Staff Senate meeting Wednesday, a sign of the ubiquity of the cuts' effects.The budget revisions were prominently acknowledged...

ROTC welcomes first female batallion commander

By Nichole Oden
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

Each semester, the University's ROTC passes command of the unit to a new batallion commander based on physical fitness, academics and leadership skills. This tradition takes place bi-annually, and this...

More professors posting texts

By Leslie Presnall
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

In today's digital world, students could potentially gain access to all required course readings without ever spending a penny.Since the University instituted Moodle as its only course management system...

New Band Hall design ready for Board’s approval

By Leslie Presnall
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

The LSU Board of Supervisors will be presented with the Tiger Marching Band Hall schematic design at today's meeting, and approval of the design will decide the building's exterior appearance.The hall...

Murder rate in Baton Rouge declines from 2007

By Kyle Bove
Chief Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

Baton Rouge's murder rate is down from 2007, while New Orleans' rate remains about the same, according to the latest FBI crime statistics.The statistics, which outline crime between January 2008 and June...

Fla. employee sends joke emergency text

By Associated Press
January 22, 2009

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — University of Florida officials said a man has confessed to sending a mysterious message through the school's emergency text message system.UF spokesman Steve Orlando told The...

Members talk budget cuts, Moodle

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

Discussions of budget cuts, the University's level of satisfaction with Moodle and the administration's continued efforts to keep accreditation filled the Atchafalaya Room on Wednesday afternoon.The Faculty...

Ronald Anderson reappointed to Board of Supervisors – 4:20 p.m.

By Leslie Presnall
Staff writer
January 22, 2009

The LSU Board of Supervisors welcomed back former Chairman Ronald Anderson at January's meeting. Gov. Mike Foster first appointed Anderson to the Board, and Gov. Bobby Jindal announced last week he would...

Bill passed to set senator office hours

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

The Student Government Senate held its second weekly meeting Wednesday night and debated amending a bill to regulate senators' required office hours.SG Bill No. 1, which requires senators to submit office...

New law allows BR schools to teach alternatives

By Joy Lukachick
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

A two-page document known as Act No. 473 is the cause of heated controversy throughout the state. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved new rules last Thursday on 2008 legislation...