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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Planning needed for state’s flood protection systems

By Kimberly Brown
Contributing Writer
January 22, 2009

The outcome of Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters that occurred in Louisiana caused officials to talk about the unorganized plans of many local and national leaders' decisions for the coastal...

Members talk budget cuts, Moodle

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff Writer
January 22, 2009

Discussions of budget cuts, the University's level of satisfaction with Moodle and the administration's continued efforts to keep accreditation filled the Atchafalaya Room on Wednesday afternoon.The Faculty...

Ronald Anderson reappointed to Board of Supervisors – 4:20 p.m.

By Leslie Presnall
Staff writer
January 22, 2009

The LSU Board of Supervisors welcomed back former Chairman Ronald Anderson at January's meeting. Gov. Mike Foster first appointed Anderson to the Board, and Gov. Bobby Jindal announced last week he would...

Microsoft resorts to first layoffs, cutting 5,000 – 12 p.m.

By Associated Press
January 22, 2009

SEATTLE (AP) — Microsoft Corp. said Thursday it is cutting 5,000 jobs over the next 18 months — more than 5 percent of its work force — a sign of how badly even the biggest and richest...

Victim of Virginia Tech slaying was decapitated – 12 p.m.

By Associated Press
January 22, 2009

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — Virginia Tech Police say a female graduate student from China who was killed on campus was decapitated with a kitchen knife. Police on Thursday identified the victim of the...

International Film Festival series begins

By Alice Womble
Contributing Writer
January 21, 2009

Journey across the Australian Outback, learn about the Bosnian conflict and experience the hardships of feminine emancipation with three award-winning international films.The International Film Festival...

Enthusiastic crowds welcome Bush back to Texas – 10:50 a.m.

By Associated Press
January 21, 2009

WACO, Texas (AP) — After an enthusiastic welcome from thousands of cheering Texans in two cities, George W. Bush spent his first night out of office at his Crawford ranch. Before flying in a helicopter...

Mich. police: Boy, 8, spent 10 days with dead mom – 11 a.m.

By Associated Press
January 21, 2009

    ROMULUS, Mich. (AP) — An 8-year-old boy lived for more than a week with the body of his dead mother before telling a concerned shopkeeper his mom was "in a better place," police said. Gaynell...

New act causing debate – 11:40 a.m.

By Joy Lukachick
Staff writer
January 21, 2009

A two-page document known as Act No. 473 is the cause of heated controversy throughout the state. The Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education passed 2008 legislation last Thursday allowing...

SG officials attend inauguration in Washington, D.C.

By Adam Duvernay
Staff Writer
January 21, 2009

Student Government President Colorado Robertson, standing in the Mall of the nation's capital with four fellow members of SG and more than a million other Americans, witnessed history being made Tuesday...

University creates hurricane course – 10:50 a.m.

By Lindsey Meaux
Staff writer
January 21, 2009

University budget cuts didn't prevent one course from being added to the curriculum — a 3000-level class on hurricanes. "I want to attract a large number of students from different backgrounds across...

New course helps with LSU’s ‘green’ campus

By Peter Hubbs
Contributing Writer
January 21, 2009

When Emily Neustrom and Alisha Andrews saw the LSU Green Campus Initiative's plans for a more environmentally sustainable university, they knew there must be a way to get students more involved. Neustrom,...