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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Two black professors help advance diversity agenda

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
November 6, 2008

A cheerful seasoned journalist and professor sits in his office in the Manship School of Mass Communication, as a young chemistry professor with affable dreadlocks sits in his Chemistry Department office...

LSU aiming for LEED status

By By Sean Griffin
Contributing Writer
November 6, 2008

The urban sanctuary at Hilltop Arboretum, a detached part of the University's campus, is in the middle of fundraising for its proposed Enclosed Educational Facility. But when the construction is finished,...

Facebook used to voice opinions

By Joy Lukachick
Contributing Writer
November 6, 2008

Daniel McGraw logged onto Facebook on Wednesday morning and couldn't stop laughing at his friends' status updates. McGraw, chemical engineering senior, said in response to the enormous flood of charged...

Students use the crosswalk by the Student Union to cross Highland Road on Wednesday afternoon. Renovations on four on-campus crosswalks will begin during winter break

University to destroy, rebuild four on-campus crosswalks

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 6, 2008

A $100,000 project to tear down and rebuild four on-campus crosswalks to increase driver and pedestrian visibility will begin during winter break.The renovations, which include changing pavement textures...

Forever LSU safe so far from economic woes

By Sarah Lawson
Contributing Writer
November 6, 2008

Donations to the University are up, despite the recent economic slump.But the endowment fund has lost millions since the last fiscal year.The $319 million endowment made up of donations marked for investment...

Former LSUPD officer charged for possesion of child pornography

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 6, 2008

The U.S. Attorney's Office charged former LSU Police Department officer Thomas Fife on Wednesday with one count of possession of child pornography.David Dugas, U.S. Attorney for the Louisiana Middle District,...

LSU basketball tip-off tickets $1 – 1:10 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — LSU is offering a real ticket bargain for their "Tip-off Weekend." The school is selling tickets for $1 for both the LSU men's and women's basketball games. That's the cost...

Seven local residents arrested for marijuana possession

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 5, 2008

STUDENT ARRESTED FOR ISSUING BAD CHECKA University student was arrested Thursday after allegedly issuing a bad check to the Bursar's Office.Latrisha D. Davis, 23, of 902 E. Illinois Ave., Hammond, was...

Results from top La elections – 1:05 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

President3,956 of 3,956 precincts - 100 percentx-John McCain, GOP 1,147,603 - 59 percentBarack Obama, Dem 780,981 - 40 percentRon Paul, LTP 9,353 - 0 percentOthers 20,122 - 1 percentU.S. Senate3,956 of...

Alleged drug kingpin held without bond – 1:10 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Federal authorities say the alleged boss of a Baton Rouge cocaine ring is being held without bond. Officials said Tuesday that his subordinates distributed up to 22 pounds...

A glance at La. exit poll trends – 12:50 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

Some exit poll results from Louisiana: RACE — The vast majority of black voters in Louisiana pushed the button for Barack Obama, with more crossover among white voters. But seven in 10 voters said...

Martin brainstorms ways to connect System campuses

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 5, 2008

Chancellor Michael Martin pitched new ways of bringing LSU System campuses together at the Chancellor's Forum on Tuesday.A group of more than 100 administrators, faculty, staff and students gathered in...