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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



LSU basketball tip-off tickets $1 – 1:10 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — LSU is offering a real ticket bargain for their "Tip-off Weekend." The school is selling tickets for $1 for both the LSU men's and women's basketball games. That's the cost...

Seven local residents arrested for marijuana possession

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 5, 2008

STUDENT ARRESTED FOR ISSUING BAD CHECKA University student was arrested Thursday after allegedly issuing a bad check to the Bursar's Office.Latrisha D. Davis, 23, of 902 E. Illinois Ave., Hammond, was...

Results from top La elections – 1:05 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

President3,956 of 3,956 precincts - 100 percentx-John McCain, GOP 1,147,603 - 59 percentBarack Obama, Dem 780,981 - 40 percentRon Paul, LTP 9,353 - 0 percentOthers 20,122 - 1 percentU.S. Senate3,956 of...

Alleged drug kingpin held without bond – 1:10 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Federal authorities say the alleged boss of a Baton Rouge cocaine ring is being held without bond. Officials said Tuesday that his subordinates distributed up to 22 pounds...

A glance at La. exit poll trends – 12:50 p.m.

By Associated Press
November 5, 2008

Some exit poll results from Louisiana: RACE — The vast majority of black voters in Louisiana pushed the button for Barack Obama, with more crossover among white voters. But seven in 10 voters said...

SG could possibly spend more than $50,000 on furniture – 12:45 p.m.

By Katie Kennedy
Staff Writer
November 4, 2008

Student Government is considering allocating $53,890 from the SG Surplus Account to purchase furniture for the new SG offices in the Student Union. SG Speaker Ben Clark brought up the bill for immediate...

Second Chancellor’s Forum to focus on the University and the LSU System – 11:05 a.m.

By J.J. Alcantara
Chief Staff Writer
November 4, 2008

The last Chancellor's Forum of the semester will be held today and will focus on the relationship between the University and the LSU System.Chancellor Michael Martin, along with administrators from other...

FirstCall won’t face text message traffic problems

By Leslie Presnall
Staff Writer
November 4, 2008

Ohio University tried to send a test text message alert to more than 4,000 students in October, but its alert system ultimately clogged phone lines and kept students and faculty from receiving and placing...

Polls have strict rules on what to wear

By Aimee Effler
Contributing Writer
November 4, 2008

Presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama's merchandise outsold Sen. John McCain's on multiple Web Sites, but voters will not be able to show their gear at the polls today. Laws about what voters can wear...

Bruce Parker, curriculum theory graduate student and Safe Space Campaign coordinator, speaks to students at the semester’s first training session Monday in the African American Cultural Center.

Safe Space holds semester’s first training session

By Margy Looney
Contributing Writer
November 4, 2008

The University's need for awareness of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities and a previous lack of faculty commitment prompted changes in the Office of Multicultural Affairs' Safe...

Medicaid cost to rise in Louisiana – 10:15 a.m.

By Associated Press
November 4, 2008

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — The state's health chief says Louisiana's $7 billion-plus Medicaid health insurance program for the poor will need another $450 million next state budget year just to keep...

Workforce improvements prevalent topic at meeting

By Erica Warren
Contributing Writer
November 4, 2008

Workforce development was a recurring theme during Monday's Faculty Senate meeting.Tim Barfield, executive director of the Louisiana Workforce Commission, gave a slideshow presentation to the Faculty Senate...