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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Hidden Treasure: Concealed murals uncovered in Allen Hall

By Senior Contributing Writer September 4, 2012

Hidden behind layers of plain white paint for decades, Allen Hall’s best-kept secret is finally coming to light. Former University art student and Louisiana native Cheryl Elise Grenier, who has...

Tyrann Mathieu, back on campus, enrolled in classes Tuesday

Honey Badger speaks for first time since dismissal

By Sports Writer September 4, 2012

Three weeks after being dismissed from the LSU football program, embattled cornerback Tyrann Mathieu was back on campus Tuesday, enrolled in classes for the fall semester. Speaking for the first time...

Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope opens the September Faculty Senate meeting in the Student Union.

Provost: Faculty raises are top priority this year

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
September 4, 2012

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Stuart Bell paid a visit to the Faculty Senate on Wednesday to communicate with the faculty about problems on campus. Bell said his main goal in the coming months...

Residential Life: Building new residence halls needs five years, state OK

By Caitlin McCord
Contributing writer
September 4, 2012

Building new dorms takes more than just construction crews and architects. It takes about five years for a new residence hall to go from an idea to an actual building, said Steve Waller, director of Residential...

Student Government uses student fees for computers

By Wilborn Nobles III
Contributing Writer
September 4, 2012

The Student Government Senate voted in their Wednesday night meeting to use student fees to buy new computers for the SG offices. SG Speaker of the Senate Meredith Westbrook said the decision to use student...

BRAVE aims to reduce Baton Rouge juvenile violence

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
September 4, 2012

Baton Rouge Mayor-President Melvin "Kip" Holden announced the approval of a $1.5 million grant to reduce juvenile violence in the 70805 ZIP code Wednesday. The project, called Baton Rouge Area Violence...


September 4, 2012

Honey Badger speaks for first time since dismissal

By Chandler Rome
Sports Writer
September 4, 2012

Three weeks after being dismissed from the LSU football program, embattled cornerback Tyrann Mathieu was back on campus Tuesday, enrolled in classes for the fall semester. Speaking for the first time since...

Jordana Pomeroy was recently named the new executive director of the LSU Musuem of Art. Pomeroy previously served as the chief curator at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C. before coming to LSU.

Director looks to build connections with University

By Contributing Writer September 4, 2012

Jordana Pomeroy’s third-floor office sits still and quiet on a Friday afternoon, yet the feeling of freshness and originality lingers as the museum director finishes her work for the day. Pomeroy...

Mathieu back on campus

By Sports Writer September 4, 2012

Three weeks after being dismissed from the LSU football program, embattled cornerback Tyrann Mathieu was back on campus Tuesday, enrolled in classes for the fall semester. Speaking for the first time...

Mason, two years old, plays outside during his first day as an LSU Language Preschool student at the Dean French House on Infirmary Road.

Language preschool benefits University students

By Juliann Allen
Contributing Writer
September 3, 2012

Two-year-old Mason sits on a swing outside, eyes fixed on the ground and a slight smile on his face. "Do you want to slide?" asks graduate student Ashley Brown, Mason's therapy student. Mason looks around,...

New residence halls shrink wait list numbers significantly

By Caitlin McCord
Contributing Writer
September 3, 2012

Wait lists for dorms have decreased by hundreds over the past few years because of new dorm openings and re-openings of renovated dorms. Each year, students who do not make the cut for on-campus housing...