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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Mason, two years old, plays outside during his first day as an LSU Language Preschool student at the Dean French House on Infirmary Road.

Language preschool benefits University students

By Juliann Allen
Contributing Writer
September 3, 2012

Two-year-old Mason sits on a swing outside, eyes fixed on the ground and a slight smile on his face. "Do you want to slide?" asks graduate student Ashley Brown, Mason's therapy student. Mason looks around,...

New residence halls shrink wait list numbers significantly

By Caitlin McCord
Contributing Writer
September 3, 2012

Wait lists for dorms have decreased by hundreds over the past few years because of new dorm openings and re-openings of renovated dorms. Each year, students who do not make the cut for on-campus housing...

State’s powerful computer nears end

By Joshua Bergeron
Staff Writer
September 3, 2012

After five years of use, the supercomputer that powers Louisiana's Optical Network Initiative is nearing the end of its life. The computer, nicknamed Queen Bee, has sat in the state's Information Systems...

Mason, two years old, plays outside during his first day as an LSU Language Preschool student at the Dean French House on Infirmary Road.

Language preschool benefits University students

By Contributing Writer September 3, 2012

Two-year-old Mason sits on a swing outside, eyes fixed on the ground and a slight smile on his face. “Do you want to slide?” asks graduate student Ashley Brown, Mason’s therapy student. ...

Mark Spradlin (Right) explains the situation to Assistant Secretary for Prepardness and Response for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Nicole Lavie (Middle) and Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals State Health Officer Dr. Jim Guidrey on Friday during their visit to the PMAC. Friday, Aug. 31, 2012.

Federal, state officials visit PMAC

By News Editor September 3, 2012

Federal and state officials came through the University campus Friday as the PMAC prepared to house more Louisiana residents affected by Hurricane Isaac. Preparations began Thursday after the PMAC was...

State’s powerful computer nears end

By Staff Writer September 3, 2012

After five years of use, the supercomputer that powers Louisiana’s Optical Network Initiative is nearing the end of its life. The computer, nicknamed Queen Bee, has sat in the state’s Information...

Students carry a refridgerator and supplies up stairs in to East Laville dorm on move-in day on Aug. 15, 2012

New residence halls shrink wait list numbers significantly

By Contributing Writer September 3, 2012

Wait lists for dorms have decreased by hundreds over the past few years because of new dorm openings and re-openings of renovated dorms. Each year, students who do not make the cut for on-campus housing...

Language preschool benefits University students

By Juliann Allen
Contributing Writer
September 2, 2012

Two-year-old Mason sits on a swing outside, eyes fixed on the ground and a slight smile on his face. "Do you want to slide?" asks graduate student Ashley Brown, Mason's therapy student. Mason looks around,...

William Hague, left, U.K. Foreign Minister, and Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., listens during a meeting on Syria in the United Nations Security Council on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Turkey's foreign minister urged the Security Council on Thursday to set up a safe zone in Syria to protect thousands of civilians fleeing the civil war. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Why Do We Fall?: Mediation in Syria calls for close consideration

By Columnist August 31, 2012

The great American essayist H.L. Mencken said there existed to every problem a solution — neat, plausible or wrong. Within this spectrum of possible outcomes is where the United States now finds...

University sustains minor damage in Hurricane Isaac

By Andrea Gallo August 31, 2012

It came more subtly than the empty shelves of non-perishable food, the numerous flashlights and the sandbags predicted. Hurricane Isaac destroyed homes and lives in Plaquemines and Tangipahoa parishes,...

Plaquemines Parish continues long history with disasters

By The Associated Press
August 30, 2012

Ever since the Mississippi River laid down this spit of silt and swamp grass, wind and water have conspired to drag it into the sea. And for almost as long, the oystermen, river pilots and others who call...

Mark Spradlin (Right) explains the situation to Assistant Secretary for Prepardness and Response for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Nicole Lavie (Middle) and Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals State Health Officer Dr. Jim Guidrey on Friday during their visit to the PMAC. Friday, Aug. 31, 2012.

Federal, state officials visit PMAC

By Brian Sibille
News Editor
August 30, 2012

Federal and state officials came through the University campus Friday as the PMAC prepared to house more Louisiana residents affected by Hurricane Isaac. Preparations began Thursday after the PMAC was...