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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




How much of a workout would it take to burn away the calories in some of students’ favorite meals?

By Claire Caillier
Contributing Writer
March 19, 2012

As students peruse The Tiger Lair's dining options, wallets may shrink while waistlines may widen. The average person should consume between 2,000 and 2,500 calories per day, according to Melissa Moore,...

Mass comm. curriculum change reduces hours, shuffles classes

By Ferris McDaniel
Contributing Writer
March 19, 2012

Recent changes in the mass communication degree curriculum could be part of a larger revamp of the program. The change reduces the credit hours from 128 to 120. Library science, six social sciences and...

U.S. Census shows more women than men in Louisiana

By Lauren Duhon
Staff Writer
March 18, 2012

Louisiana residents got a closer look at the demographics that make up the state last week when the Census Bureau released new findings from the 2010 Census. The new information adds a layer of detail...


Wells asks Board of Supervisors to not move funds to other institutions in LSU system

By Rachel Warren
Staff Writer
March 18, 2012

The LSU Board of Supervisors may move funds granted to LSU from the Louisiana Board of Regents to other institutions in the system, and Student Government President Cody Wells is worried about how it will...

City heads project to replace W. Chimes St. sidewalk

By Kevin Thibodeaux
Contributing Writer
March 18, 2012

West Chimes Street is getting a facelift. Construction has been ongoing since the end of February to replace the sidewalk on West Chimes with a new paved walkway, according to Steven Castay, general manager...

LAGOP announces caucus locations

By Kate Mabry
Staff Writer
March 18, 2012

Once a winner emerges in Louisiana's presidential primary on Saturday, the state's next step is to select the delegates to support the victorious candidate. Party leaders will come together at caucuses...

Encyclopedia Britannica halts print

By Joshua Bergeron
Contributing Writer
March 18, 2012

In the age of smartphones and tablet computers, printed resources like encyclopedias face an uncertain future. The outlook for the printed word got a little more bleak with Encyclopedia Britannica's announcement...

Rick Santorum attends LSU baseball game

LSU baseball's winning record wasn't the only thing attracting Louisianians to Alex Box Stadium on Sunday. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum made a campaign stop at the Tigers' game against...

A teacup yorkie is spoiled with toys and luxurious pet housing. Spending on pets reached an all-time high in 2011, a trend pet store owners have observed.

Pets spending hits all-time high, near $51 billion in 2011

By Emily Herrington
Staff Writer
March 17, 2012

America's pets are more pampered now than ever before. Spending on pets reached an all-time high in 2011, with owners shelling out $50.96 billion on their pets, according to a report released March 1 by...

LSU graduate engineering ranks No. 93 nationally

By Paul Braun
Contributing Writer
March 17, 2012

The University's post-graduate engineering programs are ranked No. 93 in the nation after three consecutive years of improvement, according to U.S. News & World Report's "America's Best Graduate Schools"...

AT&T expands 4G coverage in Louisiana

By Gordon Brillon
Contributing Writer
March 17, 2012

University students and Baton Rouge residents with AT&T mobile devices will soon be able to reap the rewards of a 4G network. AT&T will be introducing its 4G network to Baton Rouge, New Orleans...


Foster focuses on external funding

By Brian Sibille
Staff Writer
March 15, 2012

Vice chancellor of research and economic development candidate Morris Foster stressed at a forum on Thursday the necessity of securing external funding in order for research to continue thriving at the...