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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



N.O. police issue arrest warrant for Brand

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Russell Brand is wanted in New Orleans. The actor, who is in the Crescent City to shoot an untitled comedy film, was slapped with an arrest warrant from the city's police department...


Louisiana jazz great to play at Union Theater

By Joshua Bergeron
Contributing Writer
March 15, 2012

Everyone has a favorite genre of music. But jazz musician Ellis Marsalis believes "people are listening to jazz and don't even know it." When Marsalis performs in the Union Theater on Saturday at 7:30...

Going Green in the Red Stick

By Danielle Kelley
Staff Writer
March 15, 2012

Zeta Tau Alpha Pancake Breakfast -Midnight to noon at Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house -$5 pre-sold ticket, $7 at the door -Three pancakes and sausage patty plate -Karaoke and photo booth at night, face-painting...


Foster focuses on external funding

By Brian Sibille
Staff Writer
March 15, 2012

Vice chancellor of research and economic development candidate Morris Foster stressed at a forum on Thursday the necessity of securing external funding in order for research to continue thriving at the...

Professor examines evolution theories, public education

By Lauren Duhon
Staff Writer
March 15, 2012

University evolutionary biology professor Dominique Homberger examined on Thursday the misconceptions surrounding the theory of evolution and its importance in education. During a talk at the Unitarian...

Students, Baton Rouge residents passionate about bird watching

By Kevin Thibodeaux
Contributing Writer
March 14, 2012

University students leaving their nest may soon find their way back into one. Bird watching, or birding, has many devoted participants around Baton Rouge and the campus. Jane Patterson, president of the...

Spring break is coming, students are getting fit

By Jacy Baggett
Contributing Writer
March 14, 2012

Marketing freshman Caroline Pennison and pre-nursing freshman Katelyn Sullivan have been munching on Special K products - cereal, protein bars and shakes - for several weeks. They hope their dedication...

Black Student Union to host separate debate

By Marylee Williams
Contributing Writer
March 14, 2012

This year's annual Student Government presidential debate may be missing the voices of minority students. The University's Black Student Union declined to participate in the SG-sponsored debate. Instead,...

Gameday parking passes rise in price

By Kevin Thibodeaux
Contributing Writer
March 14, 2012

The prices of gameday parking passes will rise this year, but only in four of the lots near campus. A recent article in The Advocate reported the prices of non-renewable passes for gameday lots around...


Baton Rouge Billboard Project broadcasts local opinions

By Kevin Thibodeaux
Contributing Writer
March 14, 2012

Baton Rouge residents will soon see their words on display. Culture Candy, a local non-profit organization aimed at promoting the Baton Rouge art community, started the BR Billboard Project in early February...

Approval could allow grading on attendance

By Rachel Warren
Staff Writer
March 14, 2012

Professors can soon take note in their grade books which students were in class, as the LSU Faculty Senate voted Wednesday to pass a resolution that would allow teachers to grade students on their attendance. Mass...

Baton Rouge sees most AIDS diagnoses in nation

By Matthew Jacobs
March 14, 2012

The Baton Rouge area saw the greatest number of AIDS diagnoses across the country through 2010, according to statistics released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC's latest...